Morgan Banking

In the history of the capitalism many personages had existed. Many desseseram hated and admired. Some noble souls and others nor in such a way. JohnPierpoint Morgan was one of these. He was known as ' ' cirurgiofinanceiro' '. The history of this financista if confuses with the one of the finanasamericanas. It assumed a central banking when the United States nocontavam with this institution.

More than a time prevented colapsoseconmicos. When the famous panic de1907, occurred and put in danger abolsa, investors and the banking system, fit it to organize umplano of emergency to hinder the ruin it system. J.P Morgan tambmreorganizou basic sectors of the economy, as the railroad worker and osiderrgico. It created the US Steel the greater of all the corporations dopas. In the fiction, when vi the film Wall street 1, made nothing dcadade80, the age of the Yuppies, where they had many tigers of paper, I perceived aimportncia of a reorganizador. Somebody that catches a company in sriasdificuldades reorganizes for years later coming back to give profit. Enquandomuitos Brazilian if they enchanted with the villain Fat person Gekko, lived porMicheal Douglas (what he did not frighten me, since swindler for muitosaqui in Brazil is hero), I preferred to observe intent the form of operardo Sir Larry Wildman, lived for Terence Stamp, that was in the umreorganizador truth and not plus a speculator.