Astrology Correction

In ancient times there was a widespread cult-astrolatry, worship the stars and luminaries (and planets), in connection with which religions (in particular, Christianity, and especially – in the Orthodox Church) in the last century formed negative attitude to astrology. But in antiquity and the Middle Ages, many priests and even the Popes were astrologers. Read more from Keith Oringer to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We will not dwell on this subject in view of its vastness. The author does not call to worship and luminaries planets, and encourages a meditative (astrological) trance to communicate with the planets directly, ask to weaken their evil influence on human life or to recommend a person that do to the planet softened its adverse effect on the specific area of human life. Each planet is responsible for its own sphere of life in the fate of human essential (ie, initially), and each planet is the ruler and almutenom any area human life.

Conducting the author of astrological meditations on the planet in the groups of pupils (each meditated on the planet of your choice) showed the high efficiency of this method of correction of influence of planets on life Rights (in accordance with his natal chart). For example, if a person is unlucky in love-romance, you can contact (meditative) to the goddess of love – Venus. As did a student of the author, if they do not evolved conjugal relationship, or they are not able to marry (Venus – significator seventh homes, marriage). In these cases should also apply to real planets – – ruler of the fifth house (the improvement love-romance) and the seventh house (marriage and marriage)..

The Presence

All had placed the generalized thought and justification. 7 Meeting? It dates 18/09/2010. Dynamics of relaxation; L. 102,200; E. 60,200; L.K.

77,300. At this moment the empolgao of the group was visible, therefore all had had a satisfactory result in its day until the moment. The used dynamics was of reflection, with a soft instrumental music to the deep one, was given words of order so that they relaxed. After five minutes, one initiated the questionings so that they reflected: What it moved? ; What it lacks to move? ; How it is my body today? ; As it was my body. To the end they had told sufficiently moved that well happyer if feeling capable and is motivated to continue in the search for emagrecer. L.K counts to all in way the tears that is namorando and that it knows that this only was possible because it is leaner and more confident in itself. It had one I hug collective. 8 Meeting? It dates 25/09/2010? It surpasses the challenges; You resist who you insist to eat; He keeps the control when he will be eating outside; He decides on alcoholic beverages; He prepares yourself to travel; He eliminates the emotional feeding; He decides the problems; He prepares myself to weigh itself.

On this day we present the beddings of the week. The topic of the emotional feeding was what more it moved with the group, therefore all had told I lack that it to eat very, at the moments sabotores in way to the program is even in result of the presence or absence of some feeling. We work the importance to have the control on the emotions, and of as not to leave that this affects the relation with the feeding. If I feel myself badly now, I will worse feel myself to eat itself exageradamente? 9 Meeting? It dates 02/10/2010.


This work of interpretation of the dreams if carries through to the level of the language, the speech of the citizen and not of the onricas images that the patient remembers. The statements of the dream presented by analyzing give place to other statements, more primitive and occult that express the desires of the patient (GARCIA-ROZA, 2007). CONCLUSION Searched in the gift work to elucidate of form sucinta some basic aspects on the unconscious psicanaltico and its encobridoras forms of manifestation in the acts defective, souvenirs and dreams. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jeff Leiden is the place to go. The unconscious one is the conducting wire that perpassa all the freudiana workmanship of the beginning of the psychoanalysis with the studies on the histricos phenomena until the last works of Freud, in the decade of 30. At diverse Freud moments it retakes the unconscious one, however going deep themselves and binding it the clinical cases to it of the patients who investigates, however complementing the concept. An example of this is the construction of the First Tpica, where Freud claims the psychic device under the topographical point of view, that is, the psiquismo is divided in three instances (psychic places): the unconscious one, daily pay-conscientious and the conscientious one. Under the dynamic point of view, these three instances are in constant conflict of forces of unconscious desires that want to be revealed and to be emerged in the conscientious field and against-forces that operate for not the satisfaction of these desires, hindering its manifestation (swaging). Years later, Freud reformulates the theory of the psychic device and claims to the Second Tpica nominating the instances in Id, Ego and Superego. According to Kusnezoff (1982), the Second Tpica does not annul the First one, but it integrates the instances Cs, Pcs and Ics the attributes and qualities. The Ego is Conscientious, Daily pay-Conscientious and Inconsciente; the Superego is a small Daily pay-Conscientious part, and the remaining portion if it takes root in the Unconscious one; the Id is all Unconscious.

Time Girl

A man with a where the girl was in a relationship, stopped to feed her sympathy to the signs of attention and stuff. That the girl will take in this case? First attempts to revive the relationship itself, using all available ways: converses with him on this subject, trying to show themselves in the best light, tolls, writes, generally uses the so-called "worldly ways." But she soon discovers that this method is not effective, then she begins to look not worldly ways. Then she will look, or wizards, or will operate independently. If she chose the second, it is already a bit closer to the natural type. First you need to know how did this problem using the theory of constructing reality, ie need to analyze and understand how did this situation from growing roots.

Let the girl remembers the beginning of nucleation of the relations between them and the moment the reality of where their Union began .Teper let it analyzes: remember my feelings, thoughts, attitudes and attitude toward the world and to suschestvuschemu order of things as far as how their relationship continued, ie from point A (start) to point B (end). Suppose that monitors changes in their perception of the world inside and out. And she will find that at the time when the deterioration began their relationship, her world view changed, necessarily in a destructive way. Ie its internal environment got a new devastating quality that just such a way affected its reality. It is the right way.


I see that the others also pass for similar problems to mine, all we have the same objective of emagrecer and we learn with the others, hearing what each one brings for the group, to come here helps not desistir’ ‘. (S1) ‘ ‘ The incentive to see the other people who emagrecem …. Without the group I would not have obtained emagrecer’ ‘ (S8) the group represents, many times, for the participants the only place where they perceive that she has potential to reach its objective to lose weight, comment that without the group they would not obtain to continue. As it points Ribeiro (1999. p.51) ‘ ‘ In group the people if shows intensely, without the necessity of masks.

The face the face facilitates the meeting with verdade’ ‘. It can be observed then that the participants of the group of alimentary re-education, in diverse ways, start to mean ones for the others very. Seven (7) participants comment that they perceive the group as of great importance in its life. They tell that without the group they would not obtain the progress that is obtaining participating of the same, S8 says: ‘ ‘ Without the group, I do not see no perspective to continue keeping the restriction in my feeding and perhaps engordar’ would come back; ‘ The cohesion also was a characteristic presented in the group, where the participants if identify with the other, accepting them and understanding them. As Vinogradow and Yalon leave clearly (1992. P. 25), ‘ ‘ the cohesion of the group mentions the attraction to it that the members have between itself and for proper grupo’ ‘. The identification with the group seems to be essential for the reinforcement and promotion of the integration and a relationship of confidence between the members.

Experiences Relationships

Every day it has relationships starting and relationships finishing, and the doubt that is the following one: ' ' it will be that the majority is possible to have true relationships in fact if of that or they are happening or they had happened had not given certain in virtue of problems and failures in meeting? ' ' True relationships are possible since that you know to take off advantage of the last experiences. The biggest error that the majority of the people commits is not to know that for backwards of each difficulty, that for brings of each failure experiment if it finds hidden a disfarada blessing. We go to reason together. It imagines if that time that you tried to be with somebody and did not obtain of this certainty. It only imagines as all the events that had come after that fact would be radically different.

A thing is certain and few know, the human beings develop much fiber and resistance after an emotionally frustrating episode, therefore such episodes make with that you observe more the next similar situations, judge the facts with more exactness and not comet the same errors for one second time. Citing a reasoning line that happens with the majority of the men we can observe clearly what he is being described in this article. Until the 15 years the man little is interested itself for relationships. Of the 15 to the 20, in its majority the men want to try all type of ralacionamento. Of the 21 to the 25 it is the phase that the man searchs with all its forces a steady and lasting relation, in this phase the man is strong sensible to the questions you affect to life two. Of the 26 to the 35 years, if the man arrives single in this phase, hardly it thinks about marriage questions as it thought, because the set of experiences that it acquired in the previous phases of the life takes it the conclusion of that the life of bachelor, and momentary relationships is the best option.

The Couple

Depending on the issue, it may be inappropriate to talk in front of a stranger or, conversely, in front of people who have a good opinion of your partner. Sometimes, the failures in previous conversations and the inability to find alternative solutions, do we expose publicly, those outstanding issues that are causing discomfort within us. If the goal is to embarrass or shame, surely this way we will succeed, but if we seek to solve what concerns us seek the appropriate place to talk. A neutral place like a coffee shop or while walking, may be favorable alternatives to address a troubling issue. In many cases are dropped, for example, the lunch table and bed, they are meeting places that are marked (or should be) by good memories. Surely, this pattern of location, but depend on each couple. What we want to convey is that we must avoid that "here I catch you here I'll kill you" or use public areas of the couple to force a conversation.

3. Learn to be a conversation mirror serves to reflect a mirror image. The mirror image you send us that we provide. Similarly, we can present ourselves in front of your partner as if we were a mirror, without preconceptions, without prejudice, and "reflecting" (responding) to what we heard: "What I hear you saying is that …". If the answer does not match our perception of the ear, may be because your partner has not been expressed can help us better understand the subject matter and our partners.