For this purpose the proposed pedagogical natural philosophical principles are complementarity that we need men and women to develop skills and knowledge, consensus because we need to agree on the framework of the dialogue, of the cyclicity of double as that we consider life as a constant transformation of one-way and return and balance which is the handling of the justicepersonal relationships and natural resources. our cultural roots should always be looking to develop our own wisdom, through a democratic curriculum design and not a pseudo institutional democracy curriculum, because it apparently seems that a curriculum design with poultices, whose repairs have only distorted the true feel of the new Bolivian curriculum, when this does not meet the curricular needs, gives functionality creates much less needs to promote the tretraciclica of theory Phenomenology, practice, essence and life to live as perfectible in live well toward a courtly well educational coexist.1 The appropriate care should be taken to build a curriculum fair and real, avoiding a hidden curriculum in discrimination of being in as much. This not must be built with imitations or patches that only well formed teachers without ideological conception and extranjerizados symbolism. They may originate in our children a reproduction of mediocrity, with an intelligentsia without identity, with approach of struggle of fraternal and not complementarity in diversity. A society must not be formed with brain and without ideas, because we are tired of an education without identity, without empowerment, social entrepreneurship and without equity neither productivity nor traces of trascendentabilidad; by this substantiation must propose changes in our way of thinking and acting, the time has come for the next challenge: is the necessary profile of our education and hacia donde va? I am sure the evolution of a new pedagogy of the framed as in the community, reflective curricula, social productive was reflected in a proposal of the educational as.
Month: April 2018
Toussaint Louverture
From 27 of October of 1942, we can say that houveuma intrinsic aggression to the Cuban social constitution, as much for suaconstituio essentially escravocrata, what for definition already violaodas is one freedoms of the captive, how much for the economic system that if it implanted, ondeuma the minority elite profited from the estate of the hand of popular workmanship. This ltimadirecionada, initially, for bovine creations and production of charque, and, to apartir of century XIII, coming back toward plantations canavieiros eposteriormente coffee. Beyond the antagonistic oppression and sharp disrespect spopulaes of lesser income and slave, we can enxergar a namedida Spanish aggression where its partner-economic option represented a limitation aodesenvolvimento cultural partner of ‘ ‘ Cuba is the richest slice in theearth’ ‘ 2 for the ambitious North American empire that already sedesenhava and that, with the unification of the thirteen colonies (sc. XVIII), it would pass to ainfluir directly for the Cuban descolonizao, aiming at, however, to take account of that rich land piece. This in them takes to a particular moment of violence Cuban nacolonizao. In ends of century XVIII, especially after 1791, dolevante year of Saint Domingues in Haiti, led for the former-slave Toussaint Louverture.Este event it in such a way brought a climate of fear, on the part of the dominant minorities, that feared one raise popular similar how much a new slice of the mercadocanavieiro. In sight of this, the colonial authorities and gentlemen of engenhooptaram for intensifying its treatment the popular captives and, imposing suaautoridade for half each time absoluter in power and bloody, in order to coibirqualquer popular manifestation. Another special moment of aggression to the island was between 1868 e1878, during> the English Aggressions. Before leaning over on the United States aggressions Cuba, in immediate ‘ ‘ independncia’ ‘ of the island, we must in them abide the umespecial phenomena lived by Cuba between centuries XVI, XVII and three primeirosquartis of sc.
Brazilian Republic
Considering that the populations biggest consumers of drugs (allowed and illicit) are the middle class, most susceptible and manipulated for the power of the media. Popularizao of the illicit drugs artistic-cultural Movements, as the Hippie of decades of 50 and 60, bring for Brazil the popularizao of the use of the drug. In world-wide a historical context of wars, violncias, dictatorships and you censure ideological that they permeiam sc. XX, the use of drugs, as marijuana, LSD, cocaine and others, brings for the people a direction of release. Protest.
Of search and transformation in the direction of the things. The Woodstock is the event that marks this movement. In it ' ' sex, drugs and rock' n roll' ' if they mix ' ' Paz and Amor' '. A great parcel of the Brazilian middle class adheres and divulges this movement in all its instances: music, fashion, hair, ideology and drugs. Brazilian case: Crime, periphery, traffic and modernization the Brazilian historical reality that receives the wave from the Hippie movement is complex and propitious.
Of a side a bourgeoisie and middle class in formation. Estudantil movement. Young and ideologies of classrooms the all vapor. Of another side a periphery with poor persons, excluded former-slaves of the chances of the recent Republic Brazilian. Accumulations in the urban peripheries. Without rights, therefore without duties. Unprovided of source of income, citizens to under employment. With a classroom that inhaled to the consumption of drugs of a side (and high middle class), and another classroom that did not have a source of income guaranteed for the public power of the other, we had the ideal scene for the formation of the net of traffic associated with the peripheries. If the public power was not imported with the rights of the former-slaves and come sertanejos of the north-northeast, these would not import with the duties and laws of the public power.
Basic Ensino
Good afternoon to the all! Observing the recommendations of the MEC I was happy for knowing that I am fulfilling them well! I always alert to the parents who the presence and participation of them in the pertaining to school life of its children are basic. Currently leciono for a group of 1 year of Basic Ensino I, and for incredible that it seems, since early many parents if does not matter with the income of its children and neither practical which I am adopting to contribute with the formation of them. The difference in the pupils is clear when it has parents gifts or absentees; in the meetings always I give prominence to the thought: ' ' Vocs now needs to be gifts, to be worried, to question, to follow, to fight, to order to make of new, because if these children to grow without the accompaniment and the concern of vocs, will not advance when they will be with 15 or 16 years, to start to speak and not to reveal present.child memory is complicated they does not forget helped who them and it abandoned who them if absent it means to give edge to the formation of future delinquents.' ' The dumb majority, at least for one month after the meeting!. .
World Day
We can notice clearly that the act to invest properly said is not empecilho to nobody, but is undeniable that attention must be had the support of the investment, therefore of the same the opposite that its investment results in one good return, one has left of its profits will be used to pay to the taxes, diminishing the real profit. Of any form, the small investor can search which openly is the institutions that charge minors taxes, being enough to ask to each one of them before opening an account to invest. Although the great valuation of the Stock exchange between 2000 and 2011, very little people if interest for investments. However, to each day the barrier of the disinformation is falling. Today, if you want to know what she happened in the world, you are enough to enter in two or three sites of the news and already are along with that occurred, either in the economy or not.
If you heard to speak of a company who did not know until then and that she can come to be a good investment, you are enough to enter in some sites to read the opinion of diverse analysts regarding it. If you are customer of a bank, broker, or both, you you have, probably, to its disposal an enormous gamma of information that are divulged day the day for the area of analysis of this organization. To each day factors as globalizada information, allied to the economic growth, mainly of Brazil, they will bring more to the Stock exchange and more investing, it is enough to look at for the developed countries that already perceive what it will go to happen. Without counting the fact that in Brazil the public and private tax of interests offered to the investors of the matching-fund saving account and headings still are very attractive.