Astrology Correction

In ancient times there was a widespread cult-astrolatry, worship the stars and luminaries (and planets), in connection with which religions (in particular, Christianity, and especially – in the Orthodox Church) in the last century formed negative attitude to astrology. But in antiquity and the Middle Ages, many priests and even the Popes were astrologers. Read more from Keith Oringer to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We will not dwell on this subject in view of its vastness. The author does not call to worship and luminaries planets, and encourages a meditative (astrological) trance to communicate with the planets directly, ask to weaken their evil influence on human life or to recommend a person that do to the planet softened its adverse effect on the specific area of human life. Each planet is responsible for its own sphere of life in the fate of human essential (ie, initially), and each planet is the ruler and almutenom any area human life.

Conducting the author of astrological meditations on the planet in the groups of pupils (each meditated on the planet of your choice) showed the high efficiency of this method of correction of influence of planets on life Rights (in accordance with his natal chart). For example, if a person is unlucky in love-romance, you can contact (meditative) to the goddess of love – Venus. As did a student of the author, if they do not evolved conjugal relationship, or they are not able to marry (Venus – significator seventh homes, marriage). In these cases should also apply to real planets – – ruler of the fifth house (the improvement love-romance) and the seventh house (marriage and marriage)..

Emperor Hadrian

So in his life Rabbi Akiva came and began a new stage of comprehension of the Creator. Disciple of Rabbi Akiva Rashba was demanding, and therefore the favorite disciple of Rabbi Akiva. Rest, he himself almost did not allow – slept for three hours a day. Over table, knocked out two neobstrugannyh boards, for which the Rashba studied Kabbalah, a candle burned all night. After two years of study Rashba married, and was born the son of Elazar, who later became a proud father. More than thirteen years Rashba studied at Rabbi Akiva. A great desire to discover a higher power made him a star pupil, raised to a higher spiritual level.

In those days, ordinary people's lives were unbearably heavy. In this small nation had seen the Emperor Hadrian a real threat to his power and kept in Judea two legions of soldiers. But he never managed to finally conquer it. The revolt led by Bar Kochba revolt spread throughout Judea, becoming fatal to the state and especially for students of Rabbi Akiva. 24 000 of his students were killed in bloody battles broke out, and epidemics. Only five survived, and one of them was Rashba.

Emperor Hadrian took revenge with a rebellious extreme cruelty. On his orders, burned fields, thousands of people were executed, hundreds of thousands carried away into slavery. Determined to break the spirit of the people, the Romans executed publicly Rabbi Akiva. Then came the turn of the Rashba. Adrian constantly denounced what he cocky, does not recognize the power of the Romans, but the terrible – he is listened to, respected and loved.

Time Girl

A man with a where the girl was in a relationship, stopped to feed her sympathy to the signs of attention and stuff. That the girl will take in this case? First attempts to revive the relationship itself, using all available ways: converses with him on this subject, trying to show themselves in the best light, tolls, writes, generally uses the so-called "worldly ways." But she soon discovers that this method is not effective, then she begins to look not worldly ways. Then she will look, or wizards, or will operate independently. If she chose the second, it is already a bit closer to the natural type. First you need to know how did this problem using the theory of constructing reality, ie need to analyze and understand how did this situation from growing roots.

Let the girl remembers the beginning of nucleation of the relations between them and the moment the reality of where their Union began .Teper let it analyzes: remember my feelings, thoughts, attitudes and attitude toward the world and to suschestvuschemu order of things as far as how their relationship continued, ie from point A (start) to point B (end). Suppose that monitors changes in their perception of the world inside and out. And she will find that at the time when the deterioration began their relationship, her world view changed, necessarily in a destructive way. Ie its internal environment got a new devastating quality that just such a way affected its reality. It is the right way.


High Priest kills victim (animal or human), merges her blood in the cup that holds the priestess, and then imposes a sacrifice on the altar – hewn black stone placed at any elevation (if the ceremony is held in the open air), or on the table (if a coven meeting in the house). Figures are placed on the altar of demons, spirits of hell, at its side surfaces are cut out or painted their names. Altar is rectangular in shape and are strictly oriented to sides of the world. After laying the victim on the altar, the high priest takes the chalice and priestesses, uttering spells, moves around the altar, and outlines the blood of a large circle. In the north, south, west and east at the four points put the black circle candles. Beside each candle placed three of the 12 members of the coven, singing incantations, by which they call demons, whom the names are inscribed on the reverse side of the altar to him. Finally spells are over, the spirits are called, sacrifice is made. The magic circle is constructed. Hear from experts in the field like Scott Mead for a more varied view.

Now to complete the spell, you need to accumulate and send the energy of the coven to achieve this goal. This is usually used ritual dance. But he only called the dance: in fact this dance, which lead white and black magicians around the altar. Black with the use of any means of invigorating, enhancing the level of energy – alcohol, drugs, erotic games. However, to enter into sexual relations at this stage of the ritual is prohibited sex – is the power consumption and at the moment can only hurt the cause. Ritual led by the high priest.

He is keenly watching how the growing energy potential of the coven, and when they felt that he had reached the maximum orders to give him energy. It is like a lens that focuses the beam. After the end of the ritual magic circle is broken, the altar is removed, the victim's body buried. Cowen betrayed pleasures, which only come into his head to its members, since any distortion and defects of pleasing those they serve. Center for Parapsychology 'Indigo Generation' remove damage, remove the love spell, remove a curse.

American Association Film Companies

Internet newspaper Kabbalah World peace can only help awareness of what it means in reality a global human condition, in which we came. Michael Laitman's values of mass culture affects the physiological and psychological health of the American Studies psychosomatic society has shown that people are largely exposed to the influence of popular culture have predisposition to high blood pressure, as well as most other people are neurotic and hostile. They are at particular depression, among them below the level of competence, ethical values, trust and altruism. Thus, our beliefs and relationships directly affect the health and well-being. Low bar of mass culture does not allow people to enjoy family, work and spiritual experiences. Replacement of this are the primitive pleasures that give rise to both physical and emotional discomfort. Modern mass culture, with its destructive effects, admittedly, is rapidly separates people. In this connection, scientists are on the agenda of the new educational standards that raise the bar and open up opportunities for a full and happy life.

At a time when greater ego destroys the remnants of normal friendly relations, it is necessary to find a firm foundation for universal interconnection. The situation gets worse, warn psychologists and sociologists, and time to search for remains not so much. 'Of all the arts, for us is the most important movie 'These words of Lenin, made almost 90 years ago, today we hear quite true. In 2008, the box office worldwide box office reached a record – $ 28.1 billion, according to the American Association Film Companies (MPAA), brings together eight leading Hollywood studios.