The Diversity

The ability to calculate the sum of the angles of a triangle is part of a theory in the same way human Knowledge such as the ability to bring the characteristics of good governance or a righteous Act on a term. The question significantly advanced in this way had necessary lead to a changed understanding of the nature and value of the education of of concept of for Plato. In particular Plato could not hidden stay that the deductive derived terms of mathematics are much different their origin, and its meaning as the Socratic principles extracted from the experience and perception inductively. Plato held on to the idea of a unified theory of human cognition and drew the conclusion that the principles of practical knowledge are different from the experience, and can not be abstracted out of her. Terms such as good or bad, just or unjust may each prompted by the experience, however it is basic and its contents not finished and completely in the experience of the individual nor in its entirety.

The practical concept formation is not a mere abstraction process by the Individual to the General. The notions of practical knowledge education be found rather independently of human reason, perhaps on occasion, and for the purpose of the experience, but in its origin there are common sense terms. Just as the term triangle a concept of reason is not formed from repeated perception of triangular shapes, but automatically found, what the practically proven knowledge of geometry bear witness. What we imagine with our general ideas is to overtake never completely in the experience. Our ideas are much waste.

They behave towards the diversity of the experimental given as ideal. The idea is found not in the experience, but only her. The concept and education of idea of is no mere process of the Zergliederns of perceptions, not mere analysis, but a kind of together looking intuition, a productive synthesis of mind.