Companies Example

Having the buzzer, spent excessively during the period where the time was good, it was terrified, when the winter started to arrive. Without much mount of money to keep the expenses with necessities of its burrow, it was to see the ant, its perpetual rival when the subject was provisionses, asking for to it some grains to support the period of winter until coming a time of summer! – ‘ ‘ I promise that I will spend more with critrio’ ‘ , it said. The ant is distrustful, is this one of its defects. ‘ ‘ What you made in the good time? ‘ ‘ It to it with certain esperteza asked. – ‘ ‘ Night and day, I looked for to keep all pretty and all satisfied ones, not importing the involved costs without wanting to give preocupao.’ to them; ‘ – ‘ ‘ You spent? How beauty! Therefore, then, cut the costs now! ‘ ‘ One of the biggest problems faced for the companies has to see with the involved costs in the production of products and services, when we speak of involved costs we are in relating since a better criterion in the purchases of the suppliers the costs with administrative expenditures financial expenditures, that is, all those outlays that are necessary for the operation of the company. Many managers do not give to the due attention to the concepts of contribution edge or profitability for line of products, many times for venderem very have a false impression of that the money in box is synonymous of profit, fact occurred mainly in the microns and small companies. Already in the averages and small companies we find unnecessary expenses with the area of sales and marketing mainly when the subject is to enchant the customer with toasts and events where the luxury predominates.

I do not want to say that the companies do not have to make these types of event, but that its costs x I benefit are mensurados together with the financial area of the company, so that when the moments of ‘ ‘ inverno’ ‘ to arrive, ‘ ‘ cobertor’ ‘ he is not very short and if it has that to adopt measured extreme, as to cut cafezinho or to diminish the staff of cleanness or maintenance for example. The slogan ‘ ‘ Knowing to use, faltar’ does not go; ‘ it comes me to the head when the subject is to save, a truthful example made the difference in my professional life. I worked in a company whose director used as wastefulness example the clips that were used in the administrative areas, argued with data, the collect of the soil of all was made the clips played during one month, and was verified that the equivalent was collected 25% of the monthly consumption. It is a small monetary value, to put is a high percentage that deserves consideration. As well as this example, we have innumerable wastefulnesses in our companies or same in our houses, we must remember that many already alert for the increase of the inflation or a crisis happened for the comprometimento of the capacity of payment of the consumers. Certainly some ‘ ‘ climate more frio’ ‘ it comes for there, being thus we must know to use not to lack in times where ‘ ‘ gros’ ‘ to be scarce. We go to reflect on this!