The Birth

Methodology The research was carried through of qualitative form, leaving of bibliographical research that carefully had been selected and had given the theoretical basement for this thematic one. Consideraes final As it could be verified, stress lathe integrant part of the daily one of the human being. It is impossible to prevent it, however it is possible to know it and to control it, having the conscience of that it will be always a constant in our way. Lipp (1996) affirms that if stress will be understood and controlled it can be useful to the human being and contributes for its success and welfare. However, when if it presents of extreme form or uncontrolled it becomes the difficult life demasiadamente. Following for this bias, one becomes essential that each individual obtains to visualize the things with greater naturalness to become this one learning stops its life, accumulating new experiences and ways to face the problems. In accordance with Grandjean (1998), stress belongs to the life as well as the birth, the nutrition, the growth, the love and the death.

According to author, a life without estress would be artificial, but monotonous and not only also enfadonha. Thus being, when the professor is capable to use adjusted strategies, stress (controlled) a positive factor can become that will go to assist the professional of the education in the confrontation of desgastantes situations, and help it to develop it its practises in more healthful way. For one side, is important to reflect on as the professors can be considered agents of changes in a society that each time more charge them in parallel little value them. In this context if it cannot forget that the education comes enclosing each time new responsibilities that they overload the educator in its teaching paper, and that these professionals come being, most of the time, forgotten for the public politics assistance private to worker.