United Nations

The quarrels had gained intensity in the decade of 70 and took ONU (Organizations of United Nations) to promote a Conference on the MeioAmbiente in Estocolmo, in Sweden (1972). This conference was of sumaimportncia, a time that was the first international meeting, that agregourepresentantes of diverse countries, for the quarrel of the ambient problems (HELM, 2006). In the decade of 80, in the Convention of Vienna, acordointernacional is firmed aiming at to the protection of the ozone layer, in this agreement pasesse, had compromised in changing them information, studying and to protect the ozone layer. Being known as Protocol of Montreal (IT WOULD MAKE, 2008). In 1992, it United Nations happens in the city of Rio De Janeiro Discussed for the Environment and Desenvolvimento (CNUMAD), conhecidatambm as ECO/92 or RIO/92. This conference came to corroborate with Conferncia of Estocolmo (1972), therefore was essential for the perception dosproblemas related to the environment. Later, in 1997, outroencontro happened important, where 189 nations had signed a called agreement deProtocolo of Kyoto, if compromising in reducing the emission of gases causadoresdo effect greenhouse in 5%. It can be perceived that the ambient problems are ganhandocada time more prominence in the quarrels in world-wide scope.

In each encontrorealizado, proposals had been being presented and some mechanisms that aim at conservao, of the little that still remains of the natural resources, had been appearing. Already the necessity to protect the patrimonies natural ecultural of the humanity appeared from the construction of a dam in Egypt, in 1959. The government of Egypt decided to construct ' ' Dam of Assu' ' , this event would flood a valley that contained treasures of the old civilization: ostemplos of the Abu Simbel and Philae. Worried about the disappearance of the temples, UNESCO launches a world-wide campaign with intention to protect the place. Ahead dapresso world-wide, the governments of Egypt and Sudan had disassembled the temples and osremoveram for a higher place, where again they had been mounted (WIKIPEDIA, 2009).