Writing Factory

In order to be able to count on the benefits of the Preparatory one Abierta the corresponding inscription by means of a request on watch completed in form on is due to realise line. Once realised it is necessary to pay by means of the Banamex Bank only at the time of beginning to give to examinations or by the duplicates of credential or certificate. The cost of the examination right is of 49 Pesos Mexican, a little more than 3 Euros. For the duplicates the price is smaller, since the proceeding of credential hill $ 29 and the one of certificate $ 37. The following costs of the courses correspond to the didactic materials of the diverse matters. In the first semester, between Libro and the Notebook of English I and the materials of Mathematics I, Writing Factory I, Methodology of the Reading, Modern History of the West and Methodology of the Learning pay $ 405, in addition $ 55 by the exercises to car evaluation. The second semester is almost $ 100 more expensive, since the investment arrives at $ 551. But for that they wish to increase their studies and do not have the necessary money exists a program of scholarships to resolve all the expenses related to the course, from the materials to the transport.

In order to maintain the benefit that covers all the year it must verify an advance on the part of the student. The scholarship is of $ 1,500 monthly ones giving itself bimonthlily. Although the student is not forced to finish the studies in a determined time, yes he will have to do it if he wants to maintain the benefit, reason why will have to credit the 33 subjects in 4 years, to an average of 8 annual matters. The people who can be chosen for the scholarship are the new recruits in the Baccalaureate nonSent to school, whom count on a Certificate of incapacity, those that do not receive another scholarship and that are of Mexican nationality.