Humanity Husband

No activity spiritual. many plans for the future. (Pagliarin, Juanribe the Congregated Evangelho) ' '. ' ' UNTIL THE DAY WHERE NOAH ENTERED IN THE COFFER IN THE DAY IN L HE LEFT SODOMA. Jesus left clearly that, while Noah and L had remained between the people, the Evil did not come. Thus also he will be in the Last Days: while the safe ones will be in the World, nothing it will happen to the Humanity. Therefore the safe ones are the salt of the Land. But, this situation alone will remain until the day where they will be arrebatados.

(Pagliarin, Juanribe the Congregated Evangelho) ' '. ' ' (28) As well as in the same way it happened in the days of L: they ate, they drank, they bought, they vendiam, they planted and they built. (29) But, in the day where L left Sodoma, it rained of the sky fire and sulphur, consuming to all. (30) Thus it will be in the day where the Son of the Man if has to reveal (Lc 17:28 30); ' ' – The necessary Church TO WAKE UP for such Words pronounced for Christ, and US also! ' ' (6) But, to the midnight, a outcry heard: There it comes the husband! I left it to it the meeting! (7) Then, all those virgins if had raised and prepared its light bulbs. (8) and the insane people had said to the cautious ones: Of there – us of your oil, because our light bulbs if erase. (9) But the cautious ones had answered, saying: It is not case that in lacks we to them and you; IDE, before, to they vendem that it and you buy it for you. (10) E, having they IDO to buy it, arrived husband, and the ones that were prepared had entered with it for the weddings, and closed it door.