Relief Of Diseases

Conception of God modifies concern levels and estresse The journalist, broadcaster and writer Jose de Paiva Netto, world-wide president of the Institutions of the Good will, introduced in Brazil since the end of century XX, an ample international debate on the existing factors of convergence between religion science. Of this interesting debate, where famous personalities, specialists of these two fields of knowing human being had displayed convergent and divergent facts, were born the World-wide Frum Spirit and Science that palco had as main the ParlMundi of the LBV World-wide Parliament of the Ecumenical Fraternity one of the annexes of the Joint Architectural Temple of the Good will, in South Wing 915, lots 75,76, of Brasilia-DF. The success of the initiative already that height was in such way that of guests, the palestrantes if had become petitioners of reiterated meeting of the type. public has been the beneficiary greater with the debate and the interaction that the World-wide Frum Spirit and Science stimulates. Questioned on the reason of the idea and its accomplishment, Paiva Netto, known champion of biennial book sales in international in Brazil, thus he explained: ' ' What the Religion intui, science one day will prove in laboratory. Science without Religion can become soul dryness. Religion without Science can slide for the fanatism. Therefore, in the ideal day that all we desire to see to appear in the horizon of History, Science, brain, mind, illuminated for the Love (Religion, heart fraterno), will raise the Human being to the conquest of verdade' '.

Covering the world in search of evidence of this convergence science-religion, espiritualidade-science, we find in the Faith stimulaton interesting for the relief of diseases. Religious people are happyer in bad situations. ' ' Religious people are happyer and better surpass the difficult situations of what the people not religiosas' ' , they had affirmed North American researchers.