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FIND clothes suppliers Then locate potential suppliers in chosen niche among commercial importers, factories, manufacturers and clothing companies, read their websites, visit their warehouses clothes, hang out with their managers. Feel free to call and ask. And even better to present them with directly its purpose and agree on a specific meeting time on their stock of clothing. On the phone a lot will not tell. And do not be afraid of failure. Those suppliers of clothing, who are interested not just sell clothing wholesale, but to find like-minded interested in long-term mutually beneficial cooperation, be sure to spend time on the advice, even if you are not going very second they have to buy clothes.

Find out from them not only on the conditions of wholesale sales clothing, but also about what assistance they could provide a selection of collections, colors, computation of clothes on the shelves. To search for the best use by Google or by Yandex. Most Popular Searches: clothing wholesale warehouse clothing, wholesale clothing. Bonus points if you can find several vendors. Already in the process, you will be able to choose whose product sells better and more profitably.

Determine where you should think now open, wherever you wanted to open his clothing store. To do this, first decide where and how you will look for its customers. If you want to do clothes lower price segment, then you should open up where there is a large natural flow of potential customers (on a busy shopping street in the city center, shopping mall, market or even near a subway).