Has been used half structured interview. The imprint was qualified will be which we have based on the dialectical method, since it enables constant questioning than this, tour, through verbal discussions and investigations and carries through potential contradictions. About fundamentation used authors: great-grandson (2007), pink (2002), among others. The result obtained in carrying out this research pointed out that the family' mental s relationship with the treatment to bearer is extremely important it provides know, accept, questioning and follow all steps in the constructive process of identity of to bearer of mental to disorder. Mental Keywords Health, Family, Social Service 1. INTRODUCTION the present article is about the professional analysis concerning the performance of the Social Assistant in the area of Mental Health in the Center of Attention Psicossocial – CAPS? ' ' Augustinha' sister; ' in Proper -. Looking for to identify alternatives of interventions next to the familiar ones of the carriers of mental upheavals, as well as using familiar relation X.
For in such a way the process is emphasized description-politician of the Psychiatric Reformation and its relevance for the construction of a new model of psychiatric assistance, basing itself in the laws that guarantee its rights. The research was exploratria, carried through by means of bibliographical references to elaborate the historical conjuncture of Mental Health in Brazil, beyond research in-locus by means of interview with the professional Social Assistant of the CAPS. Also carried through, one searches with the families of the carriers of mental upheavals, with an opened questionnaire, subjective questions. For composition of the sample, the Social Assistant used itself as intermediate who already established a bond with the users and will facilitate to our approach and request so that in they give information to them. Therefore, the sample previously will not be defined. The data had been collected through interviews and questionnaires for the researcher, having in sight to preserve the anonymity of the informers.