Start Engine

Every time motorists in winter raises the same important question that it's time to rank in the category of rhetorical: Is it worth to warm up the engine? Typically, after viewing the forums and Internet conferences head starts go round the number of tips and explanations that are often wrong. We're not going to 'load' the reader extra information, and will try to light and understandable way to explain whether or not to heat the car or no. Today there are two 'camps': the owners of cars with electronic fuel injection, as well as those who have to travel to morally and physically obsolete vehicles. No prizes for guessing what the supporters of a short warm-up more among the former and accordingly those who prefer 'protopit' motor is higher among the latter. The idea is that a modern car in good condition is designed for sure starting the engine at a temperature of -25 C and it is not required long periods of inactivity in one spot with 'treadeth out the corn' engine. It's no secret that the move from low load engine is warming faster than at idle. As it turned out, it does not harm the car.

Tests showed that the engine wear is almost independent of the duration of heating on the ground. Illustrative example – operating vehicles in different climatic zones. If the heating does affect the 'health' engine the difference in his lifetime to the north and south would be visible, that is, to the naked eye.