Juiz De Fora

The accidents identified in the year of 2008 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 8 (Corrosive), for order of bigger occurrence. Analyzing the occurrences of the year of 2008, in comparison with the previous years (2006 and 2007), one perceives that it had an addition of five occurrences, however the occurrences if had kept in the regions South, Southeastern and Mining Triangle. One notices, still, that the falling event was remained as main fact of occurrence of the ambient accidents of transport of dangerous chemical products. 6.4. Analysis of the occurrences of 2009 In the year of 2009, was possible to identify the totality of forty and two accidents for the state of Minas Gerais, being that thirty and seven had occurred in the cities of Juiz De Fora, New Rasp, Caranda, Paracatu, The holy ghost of the Laranjeiras, Valadares Governor, Betim, New Rasp, Timteo, Itutinga, Janaba, Are Domingos of the Silver, Tefilo Otoni, Cultivate, Carnpolis of Mines, Piunhi, Glad Landing, Are Sebastio of the Paradise, Congonhas, Are Loureno, Itabirito, Muria, Wells of Caldas, Timteo, Muzambinho, Are Gonalo of the River Below, Priest Oak, Ibi, Tapira, Are Gotardo, Saint Antonio of the Support, Salt mines, Carnopolis of Mines, Ibaratinga, Pardons, Brook of Snows, more two occurrences in each one of the cities of Diamantina, Three Coraes and Belo Horizonte. Of these, eleven had occurred in the central region, fifteen in Southeastern the south region/, three in the mining triangle and eight in the region north of the state of Minas Gerais, whose cities that are part of the regions above cited, have federal highways BR-381, BR-040 and BR-262 as main axles of occurrence. Although the increase of the number of accidents in 2009 in comparison with the occurrences of the years of 2006, 2007 and 2008, observes an incidence of the accidents involving the transport of dangerous chemical products in the regions central, south, Southeastern mining triangle. .

Polar Mass

Thus, north is facilitated to its displacement in direction, that after to reach mountain range of Andes it divides itself in two, Polar Mass of the Pacific (MPP) and Massa Polar Atlntica (MPA). Of this form, the MPP associates it the cold sea chain of Humboldt, if dislocating until next the line to the tropic of Capricrnio not influencing in the climate of Brazil. While, the MPA acts on the portion center-south-east of the South America, arriving at the times to exceed the line of the Equator. According to Mendona (the 2007), when it reached the latitude of the river Silver subdivides itself in two, first one associates it thermal fall of winter and the reduced indices of air and of rainfall in the interior of Brazil. To another one it is dislocated for the coast and one associates it the MTA provoking rains in the Brazilian east, mainly it enters the winter and summer ends. With this, it is verified that the performance of the Atlantic polar mass is sufficiently active, therefore when joining the tropical air of the Atlantic one (MTA) it generates a discontinuity, and it is changedded into the Atlantic polar front (FPA) and when it arrives at Brazil is on the form of cold front, causing rains weighed and thunderstorms, to the times it gains latitude and arrives until the Amazon region. FRONTS Are the meeting of two air masses of different characteristics, especially in terms of density, temperature, humidity and pressure, generating a discontinuity surface. This phenomenon is called frontogenesis, while its waste is the frontolysis.

According to Blacksmith (2006), the mixture of hot air with cold air provokes the rise of a mass on the other, causing to variation in the temperature and difference in the air density. This atmospheric instability generates cloudiness sufficiently, causing much rain. A cold or hot front always occurs enters two centers of high pressures, being proper it a common place of low pressures, thus an area frontal, always will determine a ciclnica circulation, surrounded for anticyclonic circulaes.

Polar Mass

Thus, north is facilitated to its displacement in direction, that after to reach mountain range of Andes it divides itself in two, Polar Mass of the Pacific (MPP) and Massa Polar Atlntica (MPA). Of this form, the MPP associates it the cold sea chain of Humboldt, if dislocating until next the line to the tropic of Capricrnio not influencing in the climate of Brazil. While, the MPA acts on the portion center-south-east of the South America, arriving at the times to exceed the line of the Equator. According to Mendona (the 2007), when it reached the latitude of the river Silver subdivides itself in two, first one associates it thermal fall of winter and the reduced indices of air and of rainfall in the interior of Brazil. To another one it is dislocated for the coast and one associates it the MTA provoking rains in the Brazilian east, mainly it enters the winter and summer ends. With this, it is verified that the performance of the Atlantic polar mass is sufficiently active, therefore when joining the tropical air of the Atlantic one (MTA) it generates a discontinuity, and it is changedded into the Atlantic polar front (FPA) and when it arrives at Brazil is on the form of cold front, causing rains weighed and thunderstorms, to the times it gains latitude and arrives until the Amazon region.

FRONTS Are the meeting of two air masses of different characteristics, especially in terms of density, temperature, humidity and pressure, generating a discontinuity surface. This phenomenon is called frontogenesis, while its waste is the frontolysis. According to Blacksmith (2006), the mixture of hot air with cold air provokes the rise of a mass on the other, causing to variation in the temperature and difference in the air density. This atmospheric instability generates cloudiness sufficiently, causing much rain. A cold or hot front always occurs enters two centers of high pressures, being proper it a common place of low pressures, thus an area frontal, always will determine a ciclnica circulation, surrounded for anticyclonic circulaes.