Real World

Wolfgang Iser, also, shares of such thought in regards to the experience of the author and the reader at the production moment. The first one in the construction of the text and, as in the construction of the meaning in the act of the reading. The literary text if originates from the reaction of an author to the world and gains character of event to the measure that brings a perspective for the present world that is not in contained it. Exactly when a literary text does not make seno to copy the present world, its repetition in the text modifies already it, therefore to repeat the reality from a point of view already is to exceed it (ISER, 1996, p.11). For the Russian Formalists, literature was definable for using peculiar language making use of a sort that calls the attention on same itself and shows its material existence. The formalists used the application of the linguistics to the study of the literary text and if they worried in analyzing the form, structures of language and not it semantics of the text.

The literary composition was seen as a meeting of formal elements: rhythm, sound, syntax, metric, etc. Opposing itself it such thought, Eagleton (1997, p.6), defends that the literary language uses of artifices to keep the intent reader sequence suspense, in addition narrative – and, that the Russian Formalists, when affirming that ‘ ‘ the literary character ‘ literrio’ it happened of the distinguishing relations between a speech and outro’ ‘ they would be searching to define ‘ ‘ literaturidade’ ‘ not ‘ ‘ literatura’ ‘. It believes that it is the context that he shows if the text is or not literary and not it language, a time that the use of special language, also, if makes gift in the daily speech.

SENA Difficulties

In a culture that, each time, but, it values the escolarizao, emphasizing that place of children and adolescents is in the school, either for theories, either for the legislation, not to learn comove and distresses, generating emotional tensions in adults who coexist the child who presents difficulties. For the studies of some authors (RHDE and BENCZIK, 1999; RASP AND ALBUQUERQUE, 2003; ROTTA, 2007; SENA, GRANDSON, 2007), the carrying children of TDA/H presents difficulties of learning in diverse concepts, but it is mainly in the language that the symptoms if reveal. The difficulties most common are in speak, the reading and the writing. Although the advances in the studies of the TDA/H, the relations between this upheaval and the difficulties of learning not yet well are clarified. As To identify and To work Children With TDA/H in the School For ends of identification of a child with characteristics of the upheaval of attention deficit hiperatividade in the school it is necessary caution. As it affirms Rohde (2003, p.18), ' ' An evaluation must be made to indicate if one definitive behavior of the child can be compared with the one of a group of children of the same etria band and sex.

the call approach normativo' '. Child TDA/H in phase of necessary alfabetizao of proper method, the college must elaborate technique assisting the child with TODA/H to learn of its skill. As it clarifies Karam (2006, p.08), for Antoniuk ' ' The school during the alfabetizao can generate anxiety in the child with TODA/H. Therefore, it is important to first teach to the letters and the sounds of each one, on the contrary of the global method used atualmente' '. The teacher must know to identify the problem not friction the badly-educated pupil of or bagunceiro and to arrest the attention of the child she must work with more dynamic and interesting activities, making use of material resources, as for example: computer music, videos, films etc.; mainly, to use activities of education that stimulate active answers as: to speak, to move themselves, to work in the picture. .