Evo Bolivia

Of all the American republics with more of a million square kilometers Bolivia she was the unique one in which their regions did not have autonomy or chose their governors. Today, it is wanted to happen to the other end to transform it into the most federalised of all. Sunday 22 Tarija followed the way of Santa Cruz, Beni and Pando voting S.A. autonomic statute by a 80% whereas a third of the registered one did not support (a high but nonforceful absenteeism). Nor the government can protest that in those departments the majority supports to them, nor the prefects anti-Socialists can protest to count there on an overwhelming support. Government and opposition free a dangerous play. In all the civil governments (and in some military) whom Bolivia from 1952 to the 2005 had were divided that today they animate Yes, but that they have been sent only to defy to the super-centralism (that before they maintained) to mine the first indigenista government of his history. Evo, when impelling a boycott that has not prevailed, runs the risk of alienating to the departments without majority quechua or aymara.

Morals calculate to take revenge of their rivals being caused who he YES gains referendo revocatory, the same that would lose some competing prefects. The opposition esteem that has created zones that contain possible agrarian or nacionalizantes reforms, but come divorcing of the plateau. In this match Morals blame their rivals of oligarcas (but it does not dare to expropriate to them) and the right urges on the danger that Bolivia becomes the new Cuba (but without it seems could today be able to revoke legally to Evo). Original author and source of the article.