The Support

The priorities for action by workers' organizations in this field must respond to the experiences and needs of its members recognized at the local level, so which will take its own characteristics in different workplaces and in different countries. 7. The participation of workers' organizations at all levels – including the organs and bipartite and tripartite systems – is critical to address all issues relating to economic and social development and the environment. For such participation to be effective, unions must increase their training and develop democratic structures. 8. As a first step, any trade union organization has to be internally developed guidelines and action plans for wider environmental protection, adopting this perspective with its long-term goals and strategies for implementing them.

9. The following strategies should be reviewed by the workers' organizations, and receive the support of the ILO: a) Raising the interest of union leaders and members, and the general public. b) education and training. The environmental issues must be incorporated into all workers' education activities, particularly training of trainers and preparation of learning materials at the national level. During the educational process should proceed to define the main topics of interest, integrating them with the further development of the capacity of trade union action and the support and encouragement of the same in this matter. c) We require more technical support to support the work of union members and activists in environmental protection. Should increase the capacity of organizations in the field of information and research. d) Workers' organizations should use their own methods and traditional experience in collective bargaining by incorporating clauses to go "green" to the conventions and to promote measures that go beyond the minimum requirements of the legislation.