Brazilian Development

The chances are to make of the daily pay-salt a handspike for the industrial development, particularly chain of suppliers of the petroliferous industry, to socially rescue economically and the dived parcels of the population in the poverty, through a revolution in the strategical education, and other objectives that face, historically, budgetary limitations, as the increase of the investments in CT I.Alm> was of the oil, what – since the world walks for a economy without carbon – it will transform fsseis fuels into barbarous relics. It is difficult to foresee the stated period of consolidation of this technological revolution, that already is sketched, but the ideal is that to the end of the Saga of the daily pay-salt (in 40 or 50 years) they are reached: (i) the maximizao of the profits for the Brazilian society; (II) the rescue of the biggest possible parcel of the poor population; (III) the formation, with most of the generated wealth, of saving stops> was of the oil, in player global in the energy scene after-carbon. The objective industrial and technological development that can be extracted of the daily pay-salTrs of industrial politics had been explicitados by the government: (a) in its new condition of exporting country, Brazil must maximize the sales for the exterior of products with added value, as gasoline, diesel, GLP, kerosene and nafta; (b) to promote fort expansion of the industries petrochemical and nitrogenados fertilizers, on the basis of raw materials that, in contrast of the scene that prevailed until today, will start to be abundant; (c) to intensively develop the productive chain of the oil, forming man power, investing in technology and engineering of project, developing and attracting supplying international places and. The development of the chain of suppliers of the petroliferous industry is an obvious form to add value to the production of> oil.