Writing Factory

In order to be able to count on the benefits of the Preparatory one Abierta the corresponding inscription by means of a request on watch completed in form on is due to realise line. Once realised it is necessary to pay by means of the Banamex Bank only at the time of beginning to give to examinations or by the duplicates of credential or certificate. The cost of the examination right is of 49 Pesos Mexican, a little more than 3 Euros. For the duplicates the price is smaller, since the proceeding of credential hill $ 29 and the one of certificate $ 37. The following costs of the courses correspond to the didactic materials of the diverse matters. In the first semester, between Libro and the Notebook of English I and the materials of Mathematics I, Writing Factory I, Methodology of the Reading, Modern History of the West and Methodology of the Learning pay $ 405, in addition $ 55 by the exercises to car evaluation. The second semester is almost $ 100 more expensive, since the investment arrives at $ 551. But for that they wish to increase their studies and do not have the necessary money exists a program of scholarships to resolve all the expenses related to the course, from the materials to the transport.

In order to maintain the benefit that covers all the year it must verify an advance on the part of the student. The scholarship is of $ 1,500 monthly ones giving itself bimonthlily. Although the student is not forced to finish the studies in a determined time, yes he will have to do it if he wants to maintain the benefit, reason why will have to credit the 33 subjects in 4 years, to an average of 8 annual matters. The people who can be chosen for the scholarship are the new recruits in the Baccalaureate nonSent to school, whom count on a Certificate of incapacity, those that do not receive another scholarship and that are of Mexican nationality.


This false premise has maintained and continues to maintain in poverty, lack, limitation and shortages to millions of people around the world. Wealth is available for anyone committed and decided to claim that universal right corresponds. Claim it now. It is not divide the pie and believe that some take everything and leave only some leftovers to the majority. Just look at what the people who create the wealth. Most believe they take all the wealth for himself, and that his duty would be distributed equally among the population. Admittedly, some of these people have created wealth at the expense of the exploitation and deceiving others. If you read the article the seeds of success you know that any act has repercussions, now or later and the wealth they created will be temporary.

Who I am talking about here is people who have managed to manifest wealth by decision and personal commitment, for own work. In many cases they started from scratch. Several of them came from environments of deficiency, hostile or bit privileged, which demonstrates that it is not prerequisite to birth surrounded by wealth to become prosperous and rich. Think for example of Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world again according to Forbes magazine. Certainly Mr.

Slim comes from a family of immigrants who came to Mexico without great riches and that were gradually paving way in business. Starting with a haberdashery and toy store managed intelligently leverage their businesses, reinvesting and expanding more and more until you reach the billionaires emporiums that you and I know. The wealth creation is not work of chance, if you’re lucky to receive a portion of it, or for your studies and your work. Wealth is the result of your creation, from who-are-you in reality and to act to ensure its reception. Wealth is available and waiting to be created, Yes! Is just waiting to tell you that if you want it for you and you commit to receive it through your commitment and your actions. It is of vital importance that you act intelligently to ensure receipt of wealth. Your proper thinking, more your goal, more your knowledge of who-are-you in reality and your particular action is what you want to manifest wealth, as simple as that. You can begin to take the steps necessary to create and receive it because it comes from an unlimited flow now. You can apply the secrets of the creation of wealth. It all starts with a small action, you only have to say Yes. While most think more you retardas its creation and its reception.

Chavez And Uribe Reasons And Perspectives Of A Reconciliation

Two Hugo Chavez and Alvaro Uribe ends represent the two ideological poles opposed in South America. The first is the Government more pro-Cuba and the second the more pro-Bush of the subcontinent. Both lead to the only two South American republics that had no military dictatorships in the 1970s, but also the unique strong presidentialism and regimes reelection who have achieved or will accomplish more than two mandates. Both have faced serious military oppositions. Chavez deposed a coup in 2002 that it wanted to overthrow and accused Bogota of being animated. Uribe, however, not facing a coup sponsored by neighbors, but a lengthy guerrilla that lasts for six decades and he accused Ecuador and Venezuela of giving him handle.

Uribe is the paladin of promoting free trade in a subcontinent which, with the exception of Peru and Chile, prefers to avoid it to give way to a more protectionist model or treaties of regional integration. Chavez is the architect of the ALBA, which looks like an agreement where the Latin countries truequen with more equity and perhaps coordinate politically and militarily before us. Uribe is the main promoter of a monetarist, open economy targeting, while Chavez is who has been pushing the region to distance themselves from such economic liberalization and go towards policies more than cut statist, nationalizing or wanting to redistribute wealth. A relationship of love-hate both constantly amistan and fight. The issue of the FARC has led them to strong crisis.

In 2005 Caracas and Bogota almost break relations following the Colombian incursion into Venezuela to capture Rodrigo Granda FARC leader. Then came a reconciliation in which spoke to common works as the trans-guajiro duct. This March again relations almost broken following the Colombian bombing on Ecuadorian territory which led to the death of the Chancellor Raul Reyes of the FARC. Chavez mobilized 10 battalions to the border with its western neighbor and spoke of breaking diplomatic and commercial relations with Colombia or nationalize entrepreneurs operating in his country.