
Many people lead a life focused solely on the conscious use of the senses, pay greater attention to activities than physical, are convinced that many things are product of coincidences and unable to establish any control over them. All physical experiences have an origin, and arise from the mental plane, the thought is powerful and creates our reality constantly, but it does not automatically, but that requires a complex process of energy, actions and emotions in order to give material form to what initially was just an idea. Understand the operation and capabilities of our mind is very important to achieve goals, there are many aspects to be evaluated to set effective goals, it is desire, perseverance, plans, display, etc. Aspects determining for the achievement of targets, using them to have high chances of success. You will want to much bigger things for his life, but now you will be thinking that it is not a simple task, that this idea is too high, well, this perspective is normal when the secrets of the power of the mind are not known. Many people are looking for gold in the life, goals are plotted and succeed, but then spent that gold and need to get over him, but if we could get the hen that lays it eggs, we would then be in a really advantageous position, how can occur that? It happens when we know the functioning of the creative process of reality, i.e. methods to move ideas from the mental to the material plane, doing so then we are in an enviable position.

In the book I am happy, I am rich of ANDREW CORENTT you will know how to work the creative laws of the universe, reading this book will be able to fully understand the way in which your mind creates its own world, can defeat any limiting ideas that prevent you to manifest great dreams, enjoy enormous feelings of freedom, now command the ship of his destiny. Quite a few people who have attained positions of privilege and big goals have known creative principles, in the last much of this information remains hidden and could not be disclosed, however in recent years everything is changing and is now before the great opportunity to have the power in our hands. Access to power and control our life is not an easy task, requiring commitment, defeat a huge amount of myths that have kept us in the dark, I’m happy, I’m RICO book you can find answers to these problems, automatically changes your world because his mentality will be another, will have a vision of abundance, take conscience that the source is infinite. Achieving goals is very well connected with internal harmony, successful people have been able to fully internalize their wishes, in this same way each one of us we should eagerly seek our happiness, you are great and deserve the best of this world.


This false premise has maintained and continues to maintain in poverty, lack, limitation and shortages to millions of people around the world. Wealth is available for anyone committed and decided to claim that universal right corresponds. Claim it now. It is not divide the pie and believe that some take everything and leave only some leftovers to the majority. Just look at what the people who create the wealth. Most believe they take all the wealth for himself, and that his duty would be distributed equally among the population. Admittedly, some of these people have created wealth at the expense of the exploitation and deceiving others. If you read the article the seeds of success you know that any act has repercussions, now or later and the wealth they created will be temporary.

Who I am talking about here is people who have managed to manifest wealth by decision and personal commitment, for own work. In many cases they started from scratch. Several of them came from environments of deficiency, hostile or bit privileged, which demonstrates that it is not prerequisite to birth surrounded by wealth to become prosperous and rich. Think for example of Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world again according to Forbes magazine. Certainly Mr.

Slim comes from a family of immigrants who came to Mexico without great riches and that were gradually paving way in business. Starting with a haberdashery and toy store managed intelligently leverage their businesses, reinvesting and expanding more and more until you reach the billionaires emporiums that you and I know. The wealth creation is not work of chance, if you’re lucky to receive a portion of it, or for your studies and your work. Wealth is the result of your creation, from who-are-you in reality and to act to ensure its reception. Wealth is available and waiting to be created, Yes! Is just waiting to tell you that if you want it for you and you commit to receive it through your commitment and your actions. It is of vital importance that you act intelligently to ensure receipt of wealth. Your proper thinking, more your goal, more your knowledge of who-are-you in reality and your particular action is what you want to manifest wealth, as simple as that. You can begin to take the steps necessary to create and receive it because it comes from an unlimited flow now. You can apply the secrets of the creation of wealth. It all starts with a small action, you only have to say Yes. While most think more you retardas its creation and its reception.


And they hire passionate people with their work and therefore with their customers. Not fit meno it doubt Kotler, who must be willing to change the view, your company must have a dream, must have the ability to see and identify what is happening in society, think how can affect you these events and finally: create something, innovate something to help and have a positive impact to society. Join the companies and clients allows to develop products according to the needs of the consumers ultimately as points out, Kotler gives companies some recommendations to make against changes to their consumers and their markets. 1 Includes your clients in the creative process. All firms more enthusiastic should be aliquotted customers and see what ideas can bring. That’s marketing 3.0?.

The expert referred to this process as consumer co-creation. An example of this is Harley Davidson which brings together his closest fans with their engineers to develop new models of motorcycles. 2. Supports your community. Companies should show their concern for the world. It can act as a good citizen and be profitable?, according to Kotler companies that care about their community and country exceed similar signatures that do not give importance to these issues.

3 It raises several scenarios for contingencies. The problem today is that strategies decay very easy even if they are good () strategies become increasingly obsolete in this ever-changing world and should be reviewed. To anticipate changes the expert suggests creating an early alarm system and the planning of scenarios that precede to the strategic planning and tactical planning to mode react fast and accurate during contingencies. 4 Know your competition. Each of you in their companies should hire someone who has worked with a large competitor. Incidentally, they end up in court unless it is done under legal terms. Kotler believes that it is important to know how the company is perceived by the competition, which are the weak points and what they must drive? 5 Create rules at the time of consuming technology. It is necessary to develop recommendation systems, in what refers to technology, i.e., at the time of purchasing any product we must generate certain rules such as what type of models, prices or features we seek to make the election less complex. Specifically, as indicated by, marketing 3.0, is one that aligns products with the soul of the people, in which buyers are able to fall for their brands and not to look at any more. Marketing 3.0 tries to build a bond of love between brands and people. It is the future. Points out, that takes into account the Kotler marketing Guru, wrote a book on the subject, with this same title (Marketing 3.0).In essence is the vision of our time for the most current markets strategist. Those who respond to the demands and lifestyles that correspond to the values of Postmodernity. A demand requiring signatures and marks a social commitment to ensure a better world and eradicate human and natural calamities. * Annotations of professorship marketing, quality and productivity management postgraduate program, virtual classroom.