
To the distance of a dear being (poem) When it is lost to be wanted; senimos an emptiness, so great emptiness that it is not occupied by anything or anybody, and this happens: when a being loses itself querdio! As human we learn to love and to be loved; to people but who to others and a those that demonstrates to all their affection and affection to us, but we felt that everything finishes: when a dear being loses itself! The death we must see it like a step but towards the true life, and our God thus does not explain them, we are full of pain; I say it because still therefore I feel: because when we are reunited, still we remembered that dear being! You deserve a privileged place where it wants that estes; that is no doubt! , you were used to us being always with us; in the good ones and the bad ones, but never you taught the way to us of how feeling us, at the time of losing a dear being! We must feel us happy, some diran: happy? , if, because we are sure that you must be now near God and viendonos now thinking about you; that you are our dear being! If you see us cry from time to time, we can say that it is that we were strange to you; but also because we know that these good and we will see you someday: because you are a being very loved! Pense escribirte a poem, and you never know the difficult thing that it was done to me; thanks I give a him God to have it developing to me in a dream, and to demonstrate to me that with pencil and paper it is possible to be demonstrated: whatever is wanted and it is surprised to a dear being! For describirte, not existiria paper nor pencil some that could be used, because they are terminarian and nonpodriamos to follow; thus they are the things when it is needed to describe to to be wanted! you do much lack to me; that nor to doubt it! , memory that always hablabamos of the day of my graduation and your always you were including in accompanying that so special day to me for my, but always estaras with me, because seguiras being, besides my dear being: but the great and faithful friend! Writing by: rep yvan Diaz jimenez to the 26 days of the month of February year 2010 Santiago of the horsemen. Sunday. Additional information is available at David Fowler. 11:45 p.m. Dedicated a: secondly walls (lelo). You may wish to learn more. If so, Security ProAdvisors is the place to go. Original author and source of the article.

The Stomach

He will see them to the results in three days. And nothing of alcohol, by favor. Hgase a small gift, and will feel renewed. 2 Cambie the proportion of its meals. The old one said: ” It has breakfast like a king, it has lunch like a gentleman, and it has dinner like mendigo” it is so valid now as before. The last ones scientific researches have demonstrated that a slight dinner is essential for the good digestion and the best one to sleep. Yogas traditional advises the following proportion: 1/4 of food 1/4 of liquid and nothing else.

Deletion mark space to its stomach to digest. The stomach must be always average emptiness. 3 the exercises. Contrary to the popular belief, the exercises with abdominal are not good to reduce the belly. The experts in the matter, discovered recently that most recommendable they are the integral exercises, or holistic. To swim, to walk, to walk in bicycle, to slide, which you he prefers, but whenever he implies all the body. To concentrate itself in making sentadillas or only abdominal exercises, they, that is to say, irritate and they increase to the musculatura more belly. The practice of yoga, is excellent.

yoga can practice it either that has overweight, that is not in perfect physical training conditionses, and to any age. It is recommended until for patients. And, most valuable, aid to handle to him stress. Our stomach is soothes of our emotions. Feelings of fear, or distress we felt, them in the stomach. Who does not remember the ugly sensation in the belly before an examination? Its first day of work? The interview with the head? Olvdese of everything excessive preoccupation by things that are outside their control, is more, it olvdese to control, and it dedicates with a little effort and patience to reduce his belly. It will cost to him less than what thinks and they will astonish it to the results. Dgale goodbye to the potbellied man and deletion mark the welcome to its new aspect. The belly avejenta, is not well and is ugly. It recovers his youthful and elegant aspect, getting rid and reducing his belly.

Director Of Marketing

For the professor of the department of Direction of Marketing of Esade, Ismael Valle’s, which happens with the Spanish citizens is attitude problem. Besides being an attitude problem, it will be a problem more for the struck public accounts of Spain that will have to do in front of an increasing number of liabilities without sufficient income for its subsistence. Although they had desire to save, at the moment, the critical situation that lives the economy on Spain with a rate of unemployment that in just a short time will surpass more to 20% of Poblacin Econmicamente Activa (PEA), does not exist too much capacity to do it. It is in clear that it is not that the Spanish families do not have investment alternatives, but the lack of brings back to consciousness and financial knowledge are what prevents to take the determination to resign part of the present consumption to consume in the future. It is even possible to be said that the crisis is striking with greater force the families because they have not known to save the sufficient thing to face difficult times, who seemed to have been in the forgetfulness. For the foresighted ones, those that think about making sure a good one for happening in the retirement stage and have decided to separate some Euros to invest in the Spanish stock market, surely will be enjoying 28.5% of yield that the IBEX35 accumulates until the moment, yield that can to reach a maximum of 73.4% for those who understood the behavior of the market and decided to enter when it was in its minimum. The yield reached about the IBEX35 is still greater than the observed one at first if the strong appreciation is considered that has experienced the Euro in relation to main currencies, especially, in front of the American dollar, which increases the spending power of the European currency. .

Latin America

All wish a University Education of quality, nobody wants a mediocre University. The search of the excellence, maximum degree of the quality, is an unassailable argument. Nevertheless, one becomes in problem when we tried to need of what the quality in the university education consists, since the concept generally represents ambiguous and ambiguous. The present emphasis in the quality, characteristic in the general scope of the education, manifest of unequivocal form in the university sector where they project, in addition, the tendencies that aim at the control of the economic companies. Indeed, during the last decade, the preoccupation by the evaluation of the quality of the university education, constitutes an essential characteristic of the education superior in the developed countries more.

In Europe, the evaluation of the university teaching staff (quality of teaching and scientific productivity) is a generalized practice; and the tendency to converge with the European and American currents in their preoccupation by the quality of the university education are reflected clearly in Latin America, in the multiplication of congresses and national and international meetings on the subject. Very interesting what contributes Fertile valleys, when a effort talks about first of all, that the present movement for the elevation of the quality levels of the Education superior proposes, clarifier of the quality concept and its implications. The first specific approach to the educative quality, besides the permanent and traditional reference to one " good educacin" , to " good plan of estudios" or to one " good Universidad" , it corresponds historically to the period of planning euphoria and desarrollista, trim in the decade of the Sixties and the concept it is used without clear theoretical connotations. The quality attributes to the action of the qualitative factors, that is to say, those elements that cannot be expressed quantitatively, or present/display serious difficulties to the quantification.

Strategic Studies

the married woman, the broken leg and in house. Peculiarly, the proverb received response in the last declarations of Ayman al-Zawahiri, two number of The Qaeda, that invited the spouses of the man-pump to dedicate itself to the workings of the home and the education of its children. According to The Zawahiri, noble task of ending the enemies of the Islam is incumbent on its husbands. The commentaries of the Egyptian radical caused a big wave of protests between the candidates to the suicide. The wrath of the woman-pump is reflected in the sites of Internet of the Islamic extremists. The majority of the messages sent recently to the pages of the Network censures the masculinity of the cupola of The Qaeda, indicating the importance of the role played by the woman in yihad. Still more: the Web of the yihadistas publishes numerous articles dedicated to the participation of the Muslim in the wars of liberation, the operations of guerrilla, the attacks against enemy objectives , etc.

Nevertheless, the western experts consider that women do not occupy key positions in the structures of control of The Qaeda. Between 1985 and 2006, the women carried out more than 220 suicidal operations, according to the Jaffe Center for Strategic Studies of the University of Tel Aviv. The Palestinian territories are the main scene of action of the woman-pump. In the last twenty years, in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank perpetrated almost seventy attacks carried out by women. Russia and Chechenia registered almost fifty acts of violence; in Iraq, more than a twenty; in Turkey, a fortnight; in the Lebanon, around six; in Morocco and Pakistan, two attacks respectively. Apparently, one of the few Islamic organizations whom the right of the woman recognizes to become jumbled in the fight against the enemies of the mahometanismo is the Palestinian movement of resistance Hamas.

Spanish Productive Model

During the week last, the Government made public his project of law of Sustainable Economy, impelled law to secure a productive change in our country that can remove to us from the crisis. The Law of Sustainable Economy is sustained in five key elements to accelerate the modernization of the economy: competitiveness, environmental sustainability, normalization of the construction, innovation and professional formation, and impulse of the emergent sectors. With respect to the data on the formation of the workers, we found a remarkable difference between Spain and Europe. In Europe 49% of the population have a formation of average degree whereas in east Spain percentage is reduced until 23%. If we added the population with FP and university titles in the European Union an average of 76% is reached and in Spain it only is of 57%. This has taken to think that our economic recovery is slower than in the rest of Europe due to these data and for that reason a productive change has been fomented and, therefore, formative, equals that us to the EU.

This reform of the Professional Formation at a distance is based on a relaxation of the system, contributing in addition a greater formative supply and fomenting the formation. All this oriented to the attainment of four routes: Access to an average degree of FP without the title of Secondary Education by means of a program of Initial Professional Qualification. Access to the title of Baccalaureate in a single course after obtaining a title of FP of Average degree. Access to university studies after caling in a FP of degree superior being able to confirm 30 credits ECTS whenever the race to study is related to the obtained title of FP? Connection between Formation Professional regulated and courses of formation for use that at the moment develops the Ministry of Work as formation continues or for unemployed. The Government impels this law considering that the reform of the Professional Formation is as much an education policy as a policy of use with the aim of increasing the level of formation of the population since in 2020 85% of the uses will be for the population with formation. The FP can be the key of the change of the productive model of our country and therefore, to be an essential piece for the economic recovery and the creation of use..

Democracy Price

No of us, or the one that subscribes therefore possibly creates it, we can say that, even being imperfect the concept of democracia" , it is the less bad system for the good governability of the countries. However, the substantial thing of a democracy, and modest to understand, consists of which, the citizens with their votes, have chosen, and by a period of time, to those who they try that they govern to them: or, to regulate or badly, but that governs to them and they do not deceive to them until the next general elections. When we are not in agreement with the results of the votings, without a doubt, we will have to hope to return to vote to the people who we create more suitable to represent to us, and I say people, that not divided politicians for those who at present we are voting in Spain. And he is that the first government of the Spanish democracy exit of the ballot boxes (15 of 1977 July), was presided by Adolph Surez (UCD, true creator of the Spanish transition). But in my humble opinion a very high price paid: the creation of 17 autonomies espaolas" , whose presidents I consider present them like Virreyes de Nueva Espaa": the democracy had a price. I know that to accept our incipient democracy born in 1978, and we know all it, was necessary to accept the establishment of 17 autonomies and two independent cities (Ceuta and Melilla), which have turned out to be, speaking, economically ominous for Spain and its citizens. How expensive some are leaving us! And I return it to repeat: we have 17 virreyes in the Iberian Peninsula. Ex- President Adolph Surez, true creator of the transition. The Spanish Government present-presided over by Mr. Rodriguez Zapatero, is crossing very unfortunate moments as far as the Spanish economy.