Spanish Productive Model

During the week last, the Government made public his project of law of Sustainable Economy, impelled law to secure a productive change in our country that can remove to us from the crisis. The Law of Sustainable Economy is sustained in five key elements to accelerate the modernization of the economy: competitiveness, environmental sustainability, normalization of the construction, innovation and professional formation, and impulse of the emergent sectors. With respect to the data on the formation of the workers, we found a remarkable difference between Spain and Europe. In Europe 49% of the population have a formation of average degree whereas in east Spain percentage is reduced until 23%. If we added the population with FP and university titles in the European Union an average of 76% is reached and in Spain it only is of 57%. This has taken to think that our economic recovery is slower than in the rest of Europe due to these data and for that reason a productive change has been fomented and, therefore, formative, equals that us to the EU.

This reform of the Professional Formation at a distance is based on a relaxation of the system, contributing in addition a greater formative supply and fomenting the formation. All this oriented to the attainment of four routes: Access to an average degree of FP without the title of Secondary Education by means of a program of Initial Professional Qualification. Access to the title of Baccalaureate in a single course after obtaining a title of FP of Average degree. Access to university studies after caling in a FP of degree superior being able to confirm 30 credits ECTS whenever the race to study is related to the obtained title of FP? Connection between Formation Professional regulated and courses of formation for use that at the moment develops the Ministry of Work as formation continues or for unemployed. The Government impels this law considering that the reform of the Professional Formation is as much an education policy as a policy of use with the aim of increasing the level of formation of the population since in 2020 85% of the uses will be for the population with formation. The FP can be the key of the change of the productive model of our country and therefore, to be an essential piece for the economic recovery and the creation of use..