Brazilian Management

SUMMARY the familiar companies represent more predominant the enterprise form in the economies, not only the Brazilian how much to the world-wide ones. However, exactly with all relevance and representation the macroeconomic levels, this enterprise segment still suffers to great vulnerabilities and difficulties how much to the management, and between the suffered impediments they are mainly the operational and strategical problems that directly affect the organizations how much to the lack of focus and fragility of competitiveness in the market. Also we can say that the absence of the previous preparation for the provisions of successive heirs, is main point criticizes of the cited institutions and contributes generally for the failure of this mentioned type of companies, however, when if effects the succession through a good planning can generate excellent results for familiar structure. In this direction, to indicate the use of instruments that assist the familiar management, aiming at to become it more competitive, flexible the changes, agile to deal with unstable, professional and technological market, giving emphasis to the professional qualification and demystifying the image, that the familiar company only aims at to the institution as source of maintenance and survival of the family. Therefore this research has for purpose to study the necessity of the successory planning and the emphasis in the professionalization of the management.

Words Keys: Familiar company, professionalization and planning. EFFICIENT QUALIFICATION IN the SUCCESSION OF the MANAGERS OF the COMPANIES OF FAMILIAR STRUCTURE Cesar Ely Saints of Melo UNEB Wagner 1,0 Graces UNEB INTRODUCTION the companies of familiar structure is predominant the enterprise form in the economies of the markets contemporaries. The success and the continuity of these related companies are essential for the development of the economy and the society..