The promoted interchange from now on, through the sailors and traders of OKINAWA in visit the diverse parts of ASIA and the magnifying of the commercial activities with Korea, Java, Sumatra, Arabia and Mlaca, are facts considered as basic in the history of the development of the martial arts in OKINAWA. 14 In 1470, the island of Okinawa was called by the Chinese, who, fearing rebellious acts, had forbidden the use of weapons to its inhabitants. These had started to develop a way of defense with the use it proper body. With the knowledge of the martial arts of China, this system of defense was, little by little, if developing. When Okinawa was conquered by Japan, the use of weapons more rigorously was forbidden, however, the natives had started to private practise its martial art, that, to the time was known with YOU. After the ending of first dynasty SHO (in 1470) after a period of turbulence politics, a new dynasty SHO was established in 1477, with the new king (SHO SHIN) having to face diverse rebellious warlike heads, who firmly were entrenched in its castles, situated in diverse regions of the island. As part of its strategy of combat to the rebels and complete domain of the island, it forbade the transport of weapons (basically punhais and swords) and commanded the collect of all the weapons to the real castle of SHURI, beyond compelling to all the noblemen to live next to the castle, in the real capital. These measures generate an enormous popular insatisfao, contributing enormously to give a tremendous impulse in the development of the martial arts of fights with the empty hands (without weapons). ' ' it was of ouro' ' of OKINAWA it continued in frank development up to 1609 when the islands of archipelago RYU KYU had been invaded and called for the Japanese troops of SHOGUN SHIMAZU of clan SATSUMA; that they had annexed its domain.