Astrology Correction

In ancient times there was a widespread cult-astrolatry, worship the stars and luminaries (and planets), in connection with which religions (in particular, Christianity, and especially – in the Orthodox Church) in the last century formed negative attitude to astrology. But in antiquity and the Middle Ages, many priests and even the Popes were astrologers. Read more from Keith Oringer to gain a more clear picture of the situation. We will not dwell on this subject in view of its vastness. The author does not call to worship and luminaries planets, and encourages a meditative (astrological) trance to communicate with the planets directly, ask to weaken their evil influence on human life or to recommend a person that do to the planet softened its adverse effect on the specific area of human life. Each planet is responsible for its own sphere of life in the fate of human essential (ie, initially), and each planet is the ruler and almutenom any area human life.

Conducting the author of astrological meditations on the planet in the groups of pupils (each meditated on the planet of your choice) showed the high efficiency of this method of correction of influence of planets on life Rights (in accordance with his natal chart). For example, if a person is unlucky in love-romance, you can contact (meditative) to the goddess of love – Venus. As did a student of the author, if they do not evolved conjugal relationship, or they are not able to marry (Venus – significator seventh homes, marriage). In these cases should also apply to real planets – – ruler of the fifth house (the improvement love-romance) and the seventh house (marriage and marriage)..

The Other

A consideration important to be made is the condition of the fish while merchandise. According to Marx (1985) ' ' the utility of a thing makes of it value of uso' ' being that ' ' the value of use is only become fullfilled in the use or consumo' '. On the other hand the things also possess an intrinsic property itself it makes that them exchangeable for others and ' ' what it has of common, that the exchange relation of or value of exchange of the merchandise shows in, is, therefore, its valor' ' (MARX, 1985). With this he fishes, it presents another perspective of market which encloses a differentiation in the root of the capitalist relations of production, that is the quarrel of the value of use and value of exchange. Each fishing boat possesss, in its garrison, members of one same one family in its numerical majority, generally with the head of the family in the function of ' ' patro' ' , that is, commander and owner of the boat. Resumidamente, the labor functions in a fishing boat of the studied community are divided in the following way: ) Commander of the boat (' ' patro' '): proprietor of the boat and the nets, and that he knows all the functions in the work fishing boat.

Generally he receives the command from the boat of hereditary form. b) Thrower of net: professional specialized in this function, with good physical conditioning, ability and force. In some cases, the family does not make use of this professional, she contracts and it in the quarter of the Mauazinho or the city of careiro of the Fertile valley. c) Shoal of fish observer (' ' olheiro' '): she is the respected professional more of the boat. Its activity consists of fixing forward post and analyzing the shoal of fish flow in the area of the campaign. .

Time Girl

A man with a where the girl was in a relationship, stopped to feed her sympathy to the signs of attention and stuff. That the girl will take in this case? First attempts to revive the relationship itself, using all available ways: converses with him on this subject, trying to show themselves in the best light, tolls, writes, generally uses the so-called "worldly ways." But she soon discovers that this method is not effective, then she begins to look not worldly ways. Then she will look, or wizards, or will operate independently. If she chose the second, it is already a bit closer to the natural type. First you need to know how did this problem using the theory of constructing reality, ie need to analyze and understand how did this situation from growing roots.

Let the girl remembers the beginning of nucleation of the relations between them and the moment the reality of where their Union began .Teper let it analyzes: remember my feelings, thoughts, attitudes and attitude toward the world and to suschestvuschemu order of things as far as how their relationship continued, ie from point A (start) to point B (end). Suppose that monitors changes in their perception of the world inside and out. And she will find that at the time when the deterioration began their relationship, her world view changed, necessarily in a destructive way. Ie its internal environment got a new devastating quality that just such a way affected its reality. It is the right way.


The basic one is I meeting with this circumstance, that is, mine vida' ' (HORTA, 2011. grifo in the original). Therefore, I am a relation being. the same author continues: ' ' This does not mean that each person cannot bring its proper perspective, but that, certainly, it will develop itself in the measure of its interaction with the others. The life is always convivncia.' ' (HORTA, 2011).

In the convivncia we define our personal identity in the measure where we differentiate in them of the other. We are capable of defining in them because we differentiate in them. An anthropology of I and the Other As we saw, of the personal point of view ' ' eu' ' ' ' outro' ' they can be understood in an interactive relation where ' ' eu' ' I am not ' ' outro' '. But what he is ' ' eu' ' ' ' outro' ' , for the antropolgica reflection? Here it is not being said of the individual, but of a collective. Also the idea of the relation is present, however is not social individuals that are related, but groups. if we speak in social groups, we speak, also of cultures. The cultural manifestations also are in relation, therefore they are manifestations of the people who form the groups.

Of the point of view of the anthropology, related I am not the individual in itself; nor neither it he is the Other. I am always a collective, transcendental being, am the culture that is inlaid in each individual; the Other is simply one another culture, a culture that if places as agreement object. (GOMES, 2009, P. 53). Of this point of view we can say that the culture is a defining element of the identity of a people. Each society is what it is, because constructed its culture, or its conceptions of world.

Brazilian Republic

Considering that the populations biggest consumers of drugs (allowed and illicit) are the middle class, most susceptible and manipulated for the power of the media. Popularizao of the illicit drugs artistic-cultural Movements, as the Hippie of decades of 50 and 60, bring for Brazil the popularizao of the use of the drug. In world-wide a historical context of wars, violncias, dictatorships and you censure ideological that they permeiam sc. XX, the use of drugs, as marijuana, LSD, cocaine and others, brings for the people a direction of release. Protest.

Of search and transformation in the direction of the things. The Woodstock is the event that marks this movement. In it ' ' sex, drugs and rock' n roll' ' if they mix ' ' Paz and Amor' '. A great parcel of the Brazilian middle class adheres and divulges this movement in all its instances: music, fashion, hair, ideology and drugs. Brazilian case: Crime, periphery, traffic and modernization the Brazilian historical reality that receives the wave from the Hippie movement is complex and propitious.

Of a side a bourgeoisie and middle class in formation. Estudantil movement. Young and ideologies of classrooms the all vapor. Of another side a periphery with poor persons, excluded former-slaves of the chances of the recent Republic Brazilian. Accumulations in the urban peripheries. Without rights, therefore without duties. Unprovided of source of income, citizens to under employment. With a classroom that inhaled to the consumption of drugs of a side (and high middle class), and another classroom that did not have a source of income guaranteed for the public power of the other, we had the ideal scene for the formation of the net of traffic associated with the peripheries. If the public power was not imported with the rights of the former-slaves and come sertanejos of the north-northeast, these would not import with the duties and laws of the public power.