“Adwords” How To Convert Sales Clicks ?

Anybody can get customers using Adwords, it’s just make a list of words and make a couple of ads and in 10 minutes you really advertisements displayed on Google.com entire network is not it?. But the truth is that they are more than 95% of the bells that lost money lost and not knowing how to make this conversion to customers. That is what we really want? The click or sales? .. I have seen on some forums I read things like .. my site has over 1000 visits per month, but the truth is that only with visits not going to eat .. These visits need to become customers. Sure, there are content sites based on visits to sell their advertising banners, but anyway if we notice in important places, what interests them all is the conversion. Clicks Conversions Sales: To get to this level of conversion is first necessary to make the whole process right from the beginning to ensure success in the conversion.

Steps that I have been experimenting and testing (trial and error) are: Become the question: What is my niche or target audience, in English it is my Target? If I set my target achievement rather segmented both geographically specific types of people ARRIVE best result. For example: I have a client who is called Angel Martinez and has a website called, your target is: Hispanics (Language) USA (Location) Needs (Persons with questions of marital fidelity) 2. Use the right tools: With this clear, we head nurse (using the two tools), because we’ve noticed that some words are not shown in Overture WordTracker and there may be the key.