
To the distance of a dear being (poem) When it is lost to be wanted; senimos an emptiness, so great emptiness that it is not occupied by anything or anybody, and this happens: when a being loses itself querdio! As human we learn to love and to be loved; to people but who to others and a those that demonstrates to all their affection and affection to us, but we felt that everything finishes: when a dear being loses itself! The death we must see it like a step but towards the true life, and our God thus does not explain them, we are full of pain; I say it because still therefore I feel: because when we are reunited, still we remembered that dear being! You deserve a privileged place where it wants that estes; that is no doubt! , you were used to us being always with us; in the good ones and the bad ones, but never you taught the way to us of how feeling us, at the time of losing a dear being! We must feel us happy, some diran: happy? , if, because we are sure that you must be now near God and viendonos now thinking about you; that you are our dear being! If you see us cry from time to time, we can say that it is that we were strange to you; but also because we know that these good and we will see you someday: because you are a being very loved! Pense escribirte a poem, and you never know the difficult thing that it was done to me; thanks I give a him God to have it developing to me in a dream, and to demonstrate to me that with pencil and paper it is possible to be demonstrated: whatever is wanted and it is surprised to a dear being! For describirte, not existiria paper nor pencil some that could be used, because they are terminarian and nonpodriamos to follow; thus they are the things when it is needed to describe to to be wanted! you do much lack to me; that nor to doubt it! , memory that always hablabamos of the day of my graduation and your always you were including in accompanying that so special day to me for my, but always estaras with me, because seguiras being, besides my dear being: but the great and faithful friend! Writing by: rep yvan Diaz jimenez to the 26 days of the month of February year 2010 Santiago of the horsemen. Sunday. Additional information is available at David Fowler. 11:45 p.m. Dedicated a: secondly walls (lelo). You may wish to learn more. If so, Security ProAdvisors is the place to go. Original author and source of the article.

Livestock Protection Meeting

Livestock protection Conference 2008 gained excellent speakers at the Lehr – und Forschungszentrum Raumberg-Gumpenstein for individual topics, covering specific aspects of pig farming and cattle and problems in the field of animal welfare during transport of animals. Following the opening by the head of research and innovation, Dr. Anton Hausleitner, there were pigs in the block”interesting posts by ACE. Prof. Dr.

J. Baumgartner of the veterinary University of Vienna about methods and its evaluation in the castration of male pigs. Subsequently, Dr. J. Gasteiner (aircraft) presented an attempt using a novel method to reduce pain at the surgical castration of piglets. Dipl.Tzt. F.

Entenfellner practice at the group housing of sows and their animal-health assessment addressed problems in the. Reports both by Dr. J. BAUMGARTNER (VUW) as also by Dr. W. Schleicher (aircraft) of the community project carried out at the swine Center Giesshubl GmbH rounded off the first part of the Conference programme. In the Block bovine”were the extensive rearing of cattle and their animal-health assessment of Univ. Doz. Dr. A. Deutz addressed. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system of cattle are the specialty of Dr. H. Kumper (clinic for ruminants and pigs, Giessen, D). Dr Kalam showed what management measures the farmer himself can sit and wannein consult veterinarian. Dr. R. Gruber of the BVB Liezen discussed the practical implementation of the animal welfare act at the farm in his presentation. “A further unit from Germany Dr. B. Spindler of the veterinary University of Hannover, the topic block animal welfare animal transports headed” an and showed problems and solutions regarding employment materials and litter vs. air pollution in livestock production on. Dr. A. Rabitsch, veterinarian in Ferlach and rounded off the Conference programme with his post about the intensity, control and transport problems in through Austria. HuKi

Not Congress

Require the assistance of other authorities for the development of research within its competence, and commissions for examination of evidence if it deems appropriate. (Amended by Decree 1500 of 2002) CHAPTER VI – THE CONGRESS OF ARTICLE 179. Not Congress may be: Those who have been convicted at any time by a court, a deprivation of liberty, except for political crimes or negligent. Those who have served as public employees, jurisdiction or political authority, civil, administrative or military, within twelve months preceding the date of the election. Those who have been involved in business management to public entities, or the conclusion of contracts with them and self-interest, or third, or were legal representatives of entities that administer taxes or contributions charges, within six months prior to the date of the election.

Those who have lost estidura of Congressman inv MP, councilor or mayor. Those with links through marriage or permanent union or kinship in the third degree of consanguinity, affinity one, or only civilian, officials engaged in civil or political authority. Those linked through marriage or permanent union or kinship within the third degree of consanguinity or second of affinity or civil first, and register in the same party, movement or group for election of officers, or members of public corporations to be made on the same date. Those with dual nationality, except for Colombians by birth. No one shall be elected for more than a corporation or public office or for a corporation and one count if the respective periods coincide in time, and it is partly.

Personal Capabilities

Daniel Goleman (Goleman, 1995), popularizing the term "emotional intelligence" pointing out that those with outstanding performance have better personal relationships and capabilities. In this sense, IE is composed of a number of skills that can be grouped into four core areas. 1. Self awareness 2. Self-management 3.

Relational capabilities 4. Other kinds of consciousness. And in this line of development has recently proposed a new kind of intelligence: spiritual intelligence (Wigglesworth, 2004). From the definition of spirituality as an innate need in humans to connect with something larger than yourself, "proposes a set of capabilities specific to this kind of intelligence, which are encompassed in four main features: I Personal self-consciousness II. Expertise in managing a person's own III. Universal Consciousness IV.

Social skills and spiritual presence. For each of the 21 skills included in the four features mentioned above, are assigned five levels of expertise, with a higher level is not considered finished because it is always possible to grow in the development of them. While important to know those substantive elements that compose the IE, these can be found in the literature (Original Wigglesworth, 2004). In this context important to note that when talking about other kinds of intelligences are incorporated virtually all human capabilities, resulting in a kind of climax with the IE which incorporates the spiritual dimension and religious. Although they may come to accept that all these kinds of intelligences, it is worth raising the real need for them in order to reach an effective performance concrete in the various human activities.

The Support

The priorities for action by workers' organizations in this field must respond to the experiences and needs of its members recognized at the local level, so which will take its own characteristics in different workplaces and in different countries. 7. The participation of workers' organizations at all levels – including the organs and bipartite and tripartite systems – is critical to address all issues relating to economic and social development and the environment. For such participation to be effective, unions must increase their training and develop democratic structures. 8. As a first step, any trade union organization has to be internally developed guidelines and action plans for wider environmental protection, adopting this perspective with its long-term goals and strategies for implementing them.

9. The following strategies should be reviewed by the workers' organizations, and receive the support of the ILO: a) Raising the interest of union leaders and members, and the general public. b) education and training. The environmental issues must be incorporated into all workers' education activities, particularly training of trainers and preparation of learning materials at the national level. During the educational process should proceed to define the main topics of interest, integrating them with the further development of the capacity of trade union action and the support and encouragement of the same in this matter. c) We require more technical support to support the work of union members and activists in environmental protection. Should increase the capacity of organizations in the field of information and research. d) Workers' organizations should use their own methods and traditional experience in collective bargaining by incorporating clauses to go "green" to the conventions and to promote measures that go beyond the minimum requirements of the legislation.