However, its government is not summarized to this simple change. Between the first taken measures, the Government Squid less announced a social project destined to the improvement of the feeding of the favored populations. ' was launched the campaign; ' Zero' hunger; '. Other programs and have adjusted had been made in intention to eradicate the poverty in Brazil. Stock market Family: instituted in the year of 2004, reformulated and casting one in one only program of income transference, to provide families who if find in poverty state and also the ones that are in a level baixssimo of poverty. To remain in the program these families some rules need to follow the scratch: the children with up to 15 years of age obligatorily need to conserve themselves in the school and to have a minimum constancy of 85%, as well as keeping in day vaccination wallets.
It is the program most important of government Squid. According to statistical surveys, about 11 billion families already they had been contemplated. Program of Eradication of the Infantile Work (Peti): implanted in 1996, still during the administration of former-president Fernando Enrique Cardoso, it has as main goal to remove the children and adolescents of etria band between 07 and 15 years of the infantile work that brings danger its health and security. The project yields monthly stock markets? for return of R$ 40? with intention to keep these children and adolescents in the school during one determined period and in the remaining time to provide cultural, esportivas, artistic activities to them and of leisure. These would be ones of the diverse social programs that had marked its government. The assistencialista action of the government if justified for the necessity in curing the problem of the income concentration that devastated the country. Such innovative measure was possible thanks to the continuity given to the traced economic policies during Age FHC.