Paper Napkins

"As war with the Kaiser gave birth to paper napkins." Most new products occurs when a person pays attention to the problem and tries to resolve them. But sometimes the news gives rise to an excess of something and desire once it use. "Kleenex" and "Koteks – an example tomu.Bumagodelatelnoe production experienced at the dawn of the century radical transformation. Before the owners of paper-making factories enjoyed the subjective evaluation of authoritative and very experienced craftsmen, such as determining the quality of wood pulp. Master used to fit slowly to the vat, the pulp let us touch, smell, and sometimes even try to taste and add something before to put on the rolls. The result was invariably prevoshodnym.No, as the degree of mechanization, the world began to change. New high-speed paper machines were intended for only certain kinds of standardized paper mass, and professionals should approach the definition of quality of the paper is from a scientific point of view. Scientists who changed the masters of the old type, have begun to produce new varieties bumagi.Firma "Kimberly-Clark" (Kimberly-Clark) was engaged Paper production in Wisconsin since 1872.

In 1914 they hired a specialist on behalf of Ernst Mahler. A recent graduate of the Technological University of Darmstadt (Germany), Mahler is particularly well known chemistry of cellulose. Opposite the main office "Kimberly-Clark" Mahler arranged laboratory and persuaded President George W. Kimberly to go with him to Germany to inspect there are some new products, such as, for example, cellulose wadding, absorbent better hlopkovoy.Poka Mahler and Kimberly were in Germany, the outbreak of the First World War.