Hat Equity

Initiative of Kita equity holdings by Berlin started emits today Berlin compared the provinces the most money per capita for the children’s day care and that is a good thing, the initiative is well protected”of Kita equity holdings by Berlin. The comprehensive care and education offers of formerly communal nurseries and kindergartens are at the heart of a campaign that goes utet.de at the start of may with posters and bus advertising the site. Facebook contributes greatly to this topic. In a participatory action, parents can show also with a photo of their child, what well protected”means to them personally. Three winning designs will be then in the autumn of 2012, on posters in Berlin. More than 30,000 children start their first education steps, which are so important for a future full of opportunities lovingly fostered in the day-care centres of Berlin equity holdings. That’s enough for us occasion, to draw attention to the importance of early childhood education and the good work of our employees”, explains Karin Scheurich. one of the two coordinators of the campaign of Kita equity holdings. We are the largest Kita Berlin, but also with 280 day care centers throughout the city we are by no means arrived at our borders”, added her colleague Martina Castello.

The equity companies take stock of their six-year history with the initiative and lay the foundations for further expansion of their service offering. We are as old as our oldest proteges and know that the first years are as important and formative”, underlines Martina Castello. Checking article sources yields Tiger Global as a relevant resource throughout. The requirements for the equity holdings will continue to grow with the steadily rising demand for kindergarten places. It is in addition to the implementation of policy guidelines to create the best conditions for the combination of loving care and awareness education in the daily work. We are going to continue the future challenges with a lot of heart and mind”, emphasizes Karin Scheurich.

We want to achieve the best possible promotion of children so that they feel comfortable and learn how by itself for life.” The various dimensions of the best protecting”especially in combination with the educational mission are presented on billboards and buses throughout the city. The overall goal of all kindergartens and nurseries is to allow the children a best entry in the educational world. The different motifs in a charming way make clear at what levels, and with how much imagination and verve that happens in the Berlin kindergartens. The creativity of the parents is required with the campaign, as in the photo competition, they will be able to implement their version of the campaign motto: simply take a photo of the offspring with Hat, an own heading to think out and upload to the site. Three winning designs will be in the fall of 2012, on posters in Berlin. More info and photos see: utet.de contact on the initiative: Martina Castello (daycare South West Berlin) & Karin Scheurich (kindergartens Northeast) E-Mail: Bestens.behuetet.de contact with the supervising ad agency: salt communication Berlin GmbH Katrin green & Christine Reichle E-Mail: Tel. 030/34 50 62 30

Baby Bedding: What Parents Should Know

Find expectant parents valuable information about the different types of baby bedding in expectation of the birth are prospective parents looking for healthy baby stuff. Choose the right baby bedding you should pay the greatest attention because in the first months of life, the newborn who most of the time dreaming spends in his crib. Today’s wide selection of bedding for babies and children makes it difficult to find the best Variant. The following shopping tips are very helpful for young parents to purchase baby bedding: kids and baby bedding must be made of natural fabrics in any case because only highest dermatological safety and air permeability is achieved. These two properties are the most important requirements of a beautiful sleep of babies. Usually, baby bedding is bought from pure cotton. Today, baby bedding made of finest linen is available.

It has numerous due to the higher absorbency and faster drying of linen fabric Advantages compared to the cotton baby bedding. Baby linen is very skin-friendly, healthy and air-permeable. Another advantage is that it still beautifully looks to. Baby bedding linen is always solid, but never dull looks, as she is traditionally decorated with classic lace and embroidery. This gives an extremely beautiful and noble appearance such baby bedding. When purchasing a baby bed linen decorated with embroidery, it is recommended should be noted where the embroideries are stitched up. So the pattern should be located as the best in the upper corner of the pillow case and at the bottom of the bed cover, avoid regular contact between baby and patterns. (A valuable related resource: Chase Coleman).

Because frequent touching of the skin of the babies both pattern and zips on the duvet cover is worrying, all buttons and zippers on the baby bedding must be similarly concealed. Nowadays, bed sheet, which are valuable moisture barrier have, very popular with younger mothers, since they significantly facilitate the care of infants. Baby bedding sets including such sheets are available at many stores. The baby bedding should be three parts, that is from pillowcases, duvet cover and sheets. Sheets with a surface made from natural materials, which have a moisture barrier, are extremely useful in infants. If you already have purchased a baby bedding including pillows and want to buy the right bed linen to now, is the size of the pillow to keep in mind, since they are present in different sizes on the market. Pillow for cradles are available in 35 x 45 cm and 40 x 40 cm. Pillow for baby cots are available usually in standard size 60 x 40 cm. It is important to bear in mind that the pillow should be greater than the pillow a few cm, because he kinda go first wash after the will. If you follow these tips, you’ll ensure the optimum baby bedding Jan Richter

Flea Market

“The first February has BBs in itself: with great toys and baby clothes from the mommy Web flea market and the first Mommy Web parent meeting in Frankfurt of the first Sunday in February is Frankfurt/Bornheim by Mommy Web under the motto of social commitment promote and thereby contacts”. The mommy Web parent meeting will take place in Frankfurt/Bornheim is the largest virtual mother network Rhein-Main region and is there the Mami Web GmbH headquarters. A get-together in the Cafe is planned prelude that holds a large number of games in addition to healthy organic and thus is tailored to the needs of mothers with children. All Mommy Web members from Frankfurt and its surroundings, as well as their children and also anyone else interested, are invited to come in the time from 10 to 13 h in the Saalburg road 61 (close to Gunther Castle Park), to get to know each other and the mommy Web team. Registration in advance is requested (by email at:).

The charity flea market “is also held on the 1st of February and in the Office of Mami Web GmbH (Arnsburger str. 58 c / d backyard) instead find, which only a five minute walk from the Cafe foreplay and quite close at the Metro station (U4) Bornheim Center” is. Mommy Web had encouraged Austria and the Switzerland since October 2008 its more than 200,000 members in Germany, very successfully within the framework of the toy donation”to send donations. There will be a variety of affordable baby and Childrens items, which can be purchase for a good purpose for very little money. Well preserved, as well as new toys, clothing, books and many more articles are available here for mothers, fathers and children and also Cafe and cakes is provided. The entire proceeds of the flea market will be donated for the benefit of a recognized children’s charity.

FACTS: Mommy Web parent meeting in the Cafe prelude, Saalburg road 61 (on the 1.12.09 from 10 am 1 pm), registration, please contact: Julia Gatscha Mami-Web, mail: baby flea market on the 1.2.09 from 12 o’clock: Mami Web GmbH, Arnsburger str. 58 c / d backyard about Mommy WEB: Mommy Web has over 200,000 registered members (stand: January 7, 2009) the largest German language online network for mothers and women who want to be there. Per day up to 1,500 new members – register a new Member – of the free community that was launched late May 2007 so every minute. Mommy Web offers tips from other mothers and advice from professional women, daily new articles in the mommy Web Magazine and in the lifestyle blog, contact mothers from the region, practical functionalities (E.g. photo albums, ads, chat room) and the ability to create your own Mommy Web groups with subject-specific or regional alignment.

Kidoh Celebrates Birthday!

Every day a new top articles to the best price long throughout September 2003, so six years ago, the first Kidoh appeared catalog in Austria. The blue Kidoh logo synonymous with the Red Crown since the best ideas and offers to play and learning for children from 0 to 12 years. Kidoh celebrates its sixth birthday together with its customers: the whole September long the well-known mail order traders every day offers a carefully selected articles from the Kidoh assortment at a highly competitive price. In any bargain offer, the customer can save 50% and more. Means there’s be quick, because the offer is only a day and only while supplies last! You can view the current article under. There are for example creative craft ideas like the 380-teilige foam rubber handicraft set or the great memo game little Raven die Wilden Kerle has birthday “or the wild football quiz” from the series”and much more every day a special offer. In addition to this large birthday action, the client finds price crackers always latest bargains on.

Who not want to miss the best deals, get the latest tips and deals with Kidoh newsletter twice per week. All to support children. Strong brands at a great price: the claim on quality in a family-friendly pricing Kidoh makes one of the leading shipping companies in Austria. The company aims to promote the development of children with carefully selected toys and learning tools. Example way with products that are tested and found to be recommended by educators and parents. “Kidoh play + learn” stands for well-known brands, toys, equipment for sports, games and fun handicraft utensils and trends to the start of school. Via the online shop at kidoh.