Future Students Promotion

Contribution to the understanding of the service94 GmbH use of several dozen foreign students as a fundraiser this summer at the service 94 GmbH was very successful. The company specialized on social marketing for associations service 94 GmbH from Burgwedel near Hanover echoed this year foreign students the opportunity to work together with German employees. This summer, students from Mexico and the Baltic States took the opportunity of service94 GmbH. The 25 participants from Estonia travelled back home. The students with their different cultural backgrounds are an asset. Get an insight into the life in Central America or the Baltic States much about our country and their German colleagues at the same time learn through contact with everyday life in Germany”, Frank Kroll 94 GmbH for membership drive for clubs over the initiative is pleased by the service. The foreign students visit mostly German language courses in their home countries or to study German at the universities. Learn more addresses the importance of the matter here. Four years ago, the first students from Mexico spent the summer in the programme of service 94 GmbH to the international understanding in Germany.

In the meantime come groups from the Baltic States. The initiative came about on private placement and has now become a real exchange of ideas. Now again we have requests for next summer. Tiger Global Management has much experience in this field. Students from Mexico and from the Baltic region will come back. But of course also other nationalities are welcome”, says Frank Kroll of the service94 GmbH. The service94 GmbH employs more than 125 employees in the areas of fundraising, membership promotion for clubs and social marketing. Part of it is working in management in Burgwedel near Hanover. Social responsibility is an important factor in the company’s philosophy, not only a kindergarten for the children available, but once weekly also a fitness trainer is the employees and staff of the service 94 GmbH. Frank Kroll

Capital Zoos

Standing in establishment of Foundation for Zoo and Berlin Zoo website is presented the Foundation of friends of the capital zoos now already in the Internet presence. The new foundation for the promotion of Zoo Berlin and Berlin Zoo will be completed this year. So the Foundation is seminal cover the wide sphere of activity of the capital zoos and can jump in there, where it is currently most. The Foundation committed individuals and institutions will be sought for, who identify themselves with the Zoo and the animal park. It should be built a Foundation’s assets, which makes it possible to implement the purpose of the Foundation sustainable”, as Thomas Ziolko, from the Foundation of the capital zoos. The initiative came to the Foundation to promote the capital zoos from the Association of Zoo Berlin and Berlin Zoo, who gave the impetus under the background of declining donations from the State of Berlin, the capital of zoos. From 2011, the capital zoos receive only 88 cents per animal at Day, even though it the most visited leisure facilities in Berlin are. “, so Thomas Ziolko.

What is special about foundations is are basically forever and so particularly effectively back up the selected targets. The assets of a Foundation may not be touched; only the interest income from the investment may be used for the work. Especially in times of scarce public funds, a sign for the future of Zoo and animal park can be used with a donation to the Foundation of the friends of the capital zoos on private initiative. It is donated a piece of everlasting memory so that a donation must not as a regular donation to the capital zoos or the Association promptly for current projects be used, but is fed into the core assets of the Foundation and therefore not consumed. Thus contributes a donation to the capital zoos. undiminished and far into the future, said Thomas Ziolko. For more information:

Agriculture Committee

Accompanying negotiations over provisions in the industrial pole of the rabbit – protest action at the 07.07.10 before the Bundestag “no thanks logo of campaign rabbit fattening,”. Well-known organizations have looked to the animal welfare Alliance?Rabbit fattening, no thanks? joined together. The aim should be the abolition of rabbit cages, ‘ free-range held cage. Rabbit meat is in vogue, after the scandals involving BSE, foot and mouth disease and avian flu the consumption from 1995 to 2008 has doubled literally. Among German consumers, the meat is regarded as especially fat and cholesterol, more than 25 million rabbits are eaten so annually. But how the animals are kept, remains hidden for the unsuspecting consumer in the dark.

Lobby Association and trade groups suggest happy animals bucolic, but the opposite is often the case. Squat thousands rabbit in narrow cages and wait for their death, welfare: nil, the store with the ware animals. The keeping of rabbits for fattening is one of the few branches of agricultural industry in Germany, which has not yet be limited through binding rules and laws. So she expire with the goal of maximum profit usually at the expense of the animals. In narrow wire mesh boxes, which are reminiscent of the now banned farming of laying hens kept in individual cages, millions rabbits for fattening languish painfully, without any possibility to the midst of species-typical behavior such as jumping, jumping or digging.

Instead they suffer from the sharp, cutting a metal trays; by the ammonia gases rising of the Kot mountains under the cage batteries ignite in regularly eyes and mucous membranes. The animal welfare Alliance “rabbit fattening, no thank you” already for a long time is fighting for the introduction of binding, animal friendly farming regulations and thus the final out nasty cages in the industrial pole of the rabbit. In a nationwide campaign the Alliance could unite nearly 45,000 signatures from opponents of traditional agony mast behind last year, in the spring the Federal authorities passed; the Alliance is now supported by over 70 official partner organizations.