Education in the distance Fernanda Gasperazzo Lovo BIOSSEGURANA APPLIED FOR AREA OF Good MAQUIAGEM and EMBELEZAMENTO Polar region Hope – YOU ARE Fernanda Gasperazzo Lovo BIOSSEGIRANA APPLIED FOR AREA OF MAQUIAGEM and EMBELEZAMENTO presented Final Report to the Superior Course in Technology in Management of Beauty of the Luterana University of Brazil – ULBRA, as requisite partial for attainment of the heading of Technologist in Beauty. Tutorial person who orientates/: Profa. Georgia of the Birth Capelli Good Sodr Polar region Hope – YOU ARE 2011 Dedico this work my family, mainly my Dulce mother who provided to the accomplishment of a dream the Superior Course. To my Ricardo husband and my Gabriela sister for all support. to my friends for always being with me to support and me. Fernanda Gasperazzo Lovo. GRATEFULNESS I thank the God first, for having me dao force and courage to start and mainly for finished this course.

My family, for always being with me has what it will have. To professors that of far in had exactly given support to them always and our Tutor Georgia that helped in them whenever it can and with all good will. To mine all the people who help me in this walked long but wonderful very obliged! To all my group mainly, to our COCKLE-BOAT we obtain. ‘ ‘ The things most beautiful are dictated by the madness and written by razo’ ‘. (Andres Guide) LOVO, Fernanda Gasperazzo. Connect with other leaders such as Chase Coleman here. Biossegurana Applied for Area of the Maquigem. 2011.

39 pages. Work of Conclusion of Course (Graduation? Superiorem course Technology in Management of Beauty)? EAD? Education in the distance, Luterana University of Brazil, Good Polar region Hope, 2011. SUMMARY the ethical position of the professional of the beauty includes the behaviors of Biossegurana, that must be adopted in diverse areas, including the maquiagem area.

Male Alcohol

These dates demonstrate this problem in the health and the offences that take the society, also considering lives and lives the uses precocious and alarming, turning necessary, you reach to user before he/she becomes dependent. Several researchers ploughs suggesting form will be the precocious detection of problems related you the lcoo and they demonstrate the efficiency of the interventions brief Second the current literature, the interventions can improve the pattern of uses of the alcohol will be to user, and not you reduce your satisfaction with the submitted clinical treatment. The brief interventions allow you develop actions education will be the alcohol, uses of screen methods, beginner’s all-purpose symbolic instruction code orientations, but it is done necessary you create feedback and you emphasize the users of to larger sensibility. Before of those dates, the present study search you identify applied interventions in the nursing reception in relationship the abusive consumption of alcohol. This study aimed at you analyze the male nurse of the work performance in relation you the abusive consumption of alcohol you to user of the unit and to worker. It is qualitative study, of the descriptive type, accomplished with male nurse of the work. Questionnaire will be such half-structured was applied, containing referring subjects you the developed interventions while professional in the area of the work. The collected dates were demonstrated marries study through. The result showed that interviewee has knowledge and training you approach the subject, it recognizes the importance of approaching to user in the initial evaluation seeking the decrease of the problems related you the abusive consumption of much alcohol in the life only labor the social one. It was noticed that the developed interventions and executed by the interviewee, they match with suggested him/it in the current literature, evidencing that, the male nurse of the work, while he/she knows the need you approach the subject, it contributes directly you promotion of the health and interventions in relation you the abusive consumption of alcohol.

ATM Baby

A way to suckle twin at the same time is to place the children with the body and legs under the arms of the mother. Signals of Good Positioning during Breast-feeding All the body of the baby is of meeting to the one of the mother. The mouth and the jaw are close to the chest of the mother. The mouth of the baby well is opened. It is not obtained to see almost nothing of arola. The baby of the great and spaced absorbed ones. The baby is relaxed and calm.

The baby suck without making racket. The mother does not feel pain in the mamilos (only small discomforts at the beginning). Table 2 – Signals of Good Positioning during Breast-feeding source: Group Origin, 2006. Each baby suck of a form particular, however all just-been born normal it develops the call ' ' suction eficiente' '. The efficient suction is developed in varies stages, what it can if observed for the displacement of the jaw or apalpando it ATM (tmporo-mandibular joint), where if observes that if it observes that the heads of the cndilos of the jaw cover anteroposterior passages.

Here it is the stages of the efficient suction: ) with the lips the child abocanha mamilo promoting a vedamento peripheral; b) to keep mamilo abocanhado, it compresses the lips and sucks mamilo producing negative a pressure intrabucal; c) as this it is not enough to extract milk, the child lowers the jaw and takes it for a previous position compressing the breast in the region to areolar (on the galactforos seios); d) keeping the region to mamilo-areolar compressed, it she returns the jaw to the original position, milks making it; e) collected milk slides of the hard palato for the soft palato, provoking the consequence of deglutition. From then on the mechanism is restarted. A precocious reduction in the milk production if must the factors as: inefficient suction, emotional problems as medical aversion to breast-feeding or, still, complications.

Strategy Orientation

The adoption of orientation strategies and awareness of the mothers during the prenatal period so how much to the importance of the correct techniques they are excellent for good breast-feeding (FREITAS, 2001). The gift justifies in view of the unpreparedness of the women in labor how much the orientaes adjusted for healthful breast-feeding, becomes necessary the intervention of the team of the nursing in what it says respect the techniques of positioning, complications of the period, myths on breast-feeding and mainly on the excellent information to the subject, that they will cause one better infantile development with lesser intercorrncias during the period of breast-feeding. 1.1 OBJECTIVES 1.1.1OBJETIVO GENERAL To describe the correct techniques and positionings so that breast-feeding is satisfactory, preventing complications as the ingurgitamento mammary, traumas mamilares and pain in the mamilos. 1.1.2OBJETIVOS SPECIFIC – To describe the breasts, the lactation and the suction in the anatomical and physiological context – To detach the correct techniques and the positioning in breast-feeding, with the purpose to prevent complications – To suggest a protocol of orientaes and cares related to breast-feeding, to be implemented during prenatal and after the birth of 2 child DEVELOPMENT 2,1 CONSIDERAES ANTOMO-FISIOLGICAS the breasts of the adult women are formed by parnquima and estroma mammary. Parnquima includes of 15 the 25 mammary wolves (tbulos-alveolar glands), that they are subdivided, each one, in 20 the 40 lobes. Each lobe, in turn, if subdivides in 10 the 100 alveoli, place where milk is produced.

Figure 1? Breast. Source: access in 19/08/2009. The lctea secretion is excretada by intermediary of a net of ductos that go converging, until forming lactferos seios, place where milk is stored for consumption of the child. For each mammary wolf it has a lactfero seio, with an independent exit of mamilo. Therefore, the 25 orifices of milk exit exist of 15 in mamilo. Involving the mammary wolves, they meet weaveeed adiposo, sanguineous fabric, vases, weaveeed nervous and fabric conjunctive lymphatic (GIUGLIANE, 2005).