Chinchilla Products

Buy products made of chinchilla can not afford not to everyone, such as chinchilla fur coats, worth 5 to 30 thousand dollars. In Russia, breeding chinchillas were engaged only in 1964, our country is not very interest in this animal, so until recently no one really did not know on a surprisingly simple technology of growing chinchillas. What here to speak on the import of genetically strong individuals and the professional industrial breeding. In the same way as we do in the villages keep the rabbits in the Czech Republic, many in household contains a chinchilla. But conditions in Russia are quite allow breeding these delightful little animals, relatively superior in the price of other farm animals. The cost of feeding a minimum – Chinchilla herbivorous, and they are happy to eat a variety of many species of grasses, shrubs and woody plants their seeds and fruits. A pair of breeding chinchillas for breeders is from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, and in proper maintenance, the family makes an average of 5 puppies per year. So, with 10 females in the two square meters, can produce about 50 animals.

Advantages of the content of chinchillas and that they do not have a seasonal molt and, unlike the other animals They have no smell. In the early 90s mini-farm began to spread, and in Russia. For example, in ’95 in Cheboksary chinchillas were brought from Germany and Ukraine, who happily settled down with his relatives, purchased in Moscow. It tells one of the first breeders of Dmitri, was among the population, and case: “While we did not have the Internet and literature, but by trial and error, still managed to get the first litter. At the beginning of two thousandth years, our first shinshilyata were sold in pet stores and the poultry market. Now built up a new farm on the European technology, which contains 160 pairs. Have employees all over Russia and debugged sale as live chinchillas and skins. Already signed a contract with a Moscow studio, and year-end planning to make his first two coats.

” According to experts, is to breed and their characteristics. Chinchillas are very temperamental by nature and like any animal needs rest and care. We can not forget the special “kupalkah” chinchilla bath should be taken from sifted river sand. In nature, these animals are bathed in volcanic ash, thus clearing his fur and protecting it from moisture. Chinchilla breeding is a promising new business in Russia. We already have factories in many cities are interested in skin chinchillas. There are several industrial workshops on tailoring, which directly with vydelschikami and breeders. And all this – just the beginning of a new branch of the national shinshillovodstva. Live chinchilla in the house – this is a new round of fashion among pet lovers. Especially such The trend in Moscow. Chinchilla, as well as a cat can be trained to the toilet, they are perfectly manageable. Adult chinchilla farm aggressive, but small shinshilyata few days are gentle and fall in love with the owners. It’s impossible to ignore the fact that in recent years, more and more appears specialized food and accessories for chinchillas pet market. Free chinchillas just a hobby or serious attention to their breeding business – everyone decides for himself. But in any case, communication with these cute small mammals will be guaranteed. More information about chinchilla is on the site.

Right Interviewer

He does not need to be a $ 1,000, but it must be conservative dark: black, blue or gray (or burgundy for women). 7. Bring yourself in order. You have 15 minutes to make a good impression. Descend to the barber.

Take a shower. Tonsure nails mask acne. Pat pants. The way you look and behave – is of paramount importance. You will still be plenty of time to show their talents, but only after you take a job. And now: it looks well, I feel successful, whether the embodiment of success. 8.

Imagine that everything was fine. In more scientific terms, follow the practice of positive visualization. Professional athletes do it. Actors do it. Preachers teach this. The day before the interview, imagine yourself sitting in front of hiring manager or supervisor. You are relaxed, comfortable to you, you chose the right place, you believe in yourself, you make the perfect impression … Scrolls this video over and over again until it becomes habitual way. 9. Prepare the necessary documents. On the eve of the interview gather in your portfolio: multiple copies of resume, a notepad and a pen, a calculator (do not know what tests to offer?) business cards, address book, passport, diplomas, certificates and approvals (particularly those mentioned in the summary); portfolios for artists, and what has been agreed with the interviewer advance. 10. Night's sleep. You are almost ready. You are confident and prepared answers to tricky questions. You are not afraid of the interviewer and will look him straight in the eye.

Russian Leaders

During the past 10 years seeking out the leaders of the Russian and Western business, I thought – but as is the case with managers in Russia, what type of man that can make a successful business from the hands of a genius creator (such as Yevgeny Chichvarkin, with all the contradictions of his image) and bring it to the next level (or at least no-drop)? In this article, I will not be considered as an example of business with state participation, as for rare exception to the management team does not intend to create a new value, service or product – rather, it seeks to establish control over financial flows, or simply explore a cheap state funding. The exception would be an example of the Savings Bank, when the new team does manage to deploy clumsy bureaucratic organization of face-to-consumer. But back to our conversation and talk about Governors for the private Russian business, which must survive himself and, by definition, is more fluid and creative. Spring 2010 brought a revival not only in the Russian economy and has become cautious growth of time, but and returned to the relevance of the problem of finding a successor. In past years of crisis have returned en masse to the owners manage their businesses, but now some of them again will be what to do and should the president and owner – strategy and maintaining key relationships, operational management to a greater or lesser degree may be transferred to a hired person. .