
As we all know 90% of the population in the world are looking for safety in the work for them, safe operation is the most important part of their lives. But why this happens? The reason for this, it seems to me foolhardy idea lies in the fact that we all from a tender age, school, home, university, teaching, and teaching is still only about how to work well and how to be good workers and specialists. At school and at university, we are not taught how to properly manage their finance, your money, business, investment, or how to start and grow your business. Because by and large we are taught how to be good employees to work on one salary, and the rich do their hosts. For people who are willing to pay for life for the sake of security wage floor is the main thing in their lives. When it comes to money or jobs, then most people have a fear of losing it, thus they behave just as if they had a snake in his pants, and looking for safety. These people want to feel confident and safe, and to see what their warranties for the job are recorded in writing. Especially now when the most companies, workers become redundant or unnecessary expenses.

And we know what to do with unnecessary costs. The idea is that if you want to be workers and give his life for the sake of salary, it your decision and should not be ashamed of this, listen to advice as before, poor people are doing what they do, and eventually you get something that they themselves have chosen. But if you do not want to give his life for the sake of work, if you want provide money, and freedom for themselves and their families, my advice to you, listen to the advice and counsel of rich people are doing what they do and decide for yourself who you want to become poor or rich, and eventually you get something that you chose. Draw your own conclusions. PS And last advice If you want to take control of your life, you should regularly make personal financial reports.