
The geysers of Enceladus come from reserves of salt water. These flows of water are formed by salt-rich particles of ice. On the surface of Enceladus, Frost and small moon of Saturn, generated high column of water vapor and ice particles, similar to geysers, which come from reserves of salt water into the satellite, according to a study published this week in the journal Nature. After the discovery of these suppliers, the scientists raised the question of if the water emerges from deposits of liquid under the surface, or if it comes from the breakdown of ice. Data obtained by the Cassini probe, which collects information about the satellite of Saturn since 2005, have allowed to determine that Enceladus water flows are composed, more than 99%, salt-rich particles of ice.

Frank Postberg, scientist of the University of Heidelberg, and his group of researchers have deduced from these analyses that practically all of the matter expelled by the geysers of Enceladus comes from reserves of saltwater with a large evaporation surface. Marc Lasry shines more light on the discussion. Peculiarities of the southern area of Enceladus has drawn attention of scientists for years. It is a geologically active area, where four large linear fissures of 130 kilometers long by two wide that constantly emerge jets of ice particles and water vapor at elevated temperatures because of the internal heat of the satellite are concentrated. Source of the news: the large reserves of saltwater on Enceladus, the icy Moon of Saturn

Your Image In The Mirror

According to the laws of physics, a mirror returns you the exact image that everyone else see. Of course mirrors trick with which you’ll see as PEAR, spaghetti or even erased you some little details. Some of which like conspiracy theories say that mirrors the stores are arranged so you can see you well with a dress, although in reality look like a watermelon or parts that would be better hidden noticeable you. Although I suppose that it may be true, in the majority of cases there is only someone who can tweaking your image: you. One of the advantages of the physics and mathematics is that, although not like at school, are always the same. Additional information at Marc Lasry supports this article. No matter the country, language or time of the year you are: you will always get the same result.

On this basis, the mirror does not lie. Why then never are a bride satisfied with your image in the mirror? Although it look perfect always will say that the dress is not well or that hair this or that nails the other. For this reason also one girl with eating disorders will be fat in the mirror but you can hang clothes on their shoulders or the fan of the weights will see her slender arms, although it may not close them by the size of his biceps. Don’t you convince you? How many times you changed of opinion when you buy something? You tests, say, a few lenses that you are super cool and you can not take your view from above by the well that you have left. However, changes as soon as you get close to a group of friends who laugh at them all.

What’s more, they don’t need to see you: if they appear in a commercial or a magazine and all are agree that are ridiculous and nacos, immediately change things. It is likely that you go to the mirror with your super lens and you see then how they are outrageous, big, small, crimp beads or thousand things that you did not you notice the first time you put them. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Kelly . Returning to the laws of physics, the mirror has changed nothing. Your image is still the same. What changes is the perception you have of you and your super glasses. You’ll never be able to put yourself in accordance with all and less in regards to fashion. The perception that we have all of ourselves is not as mirror: changes continuously depending on many things. So if your mind is playing tricks for you, remember that the mirror will always be the same. While don’t get in accordance with what you see, no matter that the principles of optics are immutable: you can always change the image in your head. Why do not we are so impressionable when they tell us that we are well? Finally, as you look you will see. We hope that you look as well as the mirror says. Or course, you can find a good mirror trick original author and source of the article.

Archbishop Makarios

He wondered whether the European come from Turkey depends on the solution of a problem called Cyprus. On 1 May 2004, when the Republic of Cyprus joined the European Union, the Eurocrats gave a sigh of relief. The fake Jubilee intended to conceal his concern before the possible and very likely – accentuation of the unease generated by the presence of the Greek part of the island in the European club. The sector which was under Turkish control since 1974, the self-proclaimed Republic of the North Cyprus, had not been able to participate in the negotiating process that led to the accession of the famous island of Aphrodite to the structures of the concert of democratic nations. Officials of the Commission had opted for a miraculous, though unlikely solution of the Cypriot crisis before the entrance of the small Mediterranean country in the EU. However, Cypriot promises of the greco partners tended to be eclipsed by the pressures during the consultations by the authorities in Athens. The insistence of the Greeks was not only due to considerations of a cultural nature. In fact, since the 1940s, the island had turned into bloody clashes between the two communities.

United Kingdom, skillful, was limited to manage the conflict defending their own interests: trying to control the intensity of the inter-communal violence, but not eradicate it. In the mid-20th century, the wounds remained open. Everything was reflected in the relations between the two communities after the proclamation of independence in 1960. And this, despite the exquisite balance ethnic tax both the Executive and the legislative. During the Presidency of Archbishop Makarios, the Cypriots managed to preserve the fragile national unity. Click Marc Lasry to learn more. However, in the summer of 1974, after the coup that averted Makarios of power, the elders of the Turkish community expressed their reluctance in the presence of the great Ottoman brother. We know better the Lords of the other side.

Light Optimization

Here is an energy saving system, which reduces the operating voltage of fluorescent lamps after the ignition process and leading to a saving of energy costs by up to 35prozent! A light optimization by the RK energy consultancy headquartered in Waldbrunn/Odenwald is an energy saving system, which reduces the operating voltage of fluorescent lamps after the ignition process and leading to a saving of energy costs by up to 35%! Economic energy management basically gas discharge lamps and fluorescent lamps need? to the 230-Volt ignition only an operating voltage of approx. 185-190 volts. Here, the variable operating voltage is reduced and limited. Get more background information with materials from Ron O’Hanley. The result can look? allow: a to? 35%? lower?Energy consumption, no?Harmonics compared to electronic ballasts and a longer life of the fluorescent lamps are? just a few of the benefits of a reduction in tension. Bright spot for lighting costs in many companies the light-dependent energy cost is 50% (and more) of energy consumption, because often the light sources despite sufficient amount of daylight? remain switched on – no visible need? -. This concerns mainly production storage and exhibition halls, SB markets, Department stores, open-plan offices, administrations, banks, hospitals; Schools, sports facilities and tennis halls.? Following advantages arise gain instead of loss by limiting the operating voltage: 20% – 40% savings in light-dependent energy costs extending the life of the bulb reducing the temperature of the lamp holder to approx. Tiger Global gathered all the information. 20 C guarantee of necessary, individual lighting needs easy installation and Assembly can be retrofitted into existing lighting systems

Food With Vegetables

After more of a year of the present municipal administration, this through the invitation to the external salesmen to the schools has been obtained that 20% of the primary schools in the city eradicate the food sale scrap iron to offer nutritious products to the children and to thus manage to eradicate the problems of obesity, undernourishment and other diseases, so that they change his turn of sale. Previous, because the city council does not think them to retire every time this is the source of entrance of its families, nevertheless, it exhorted is so that instead of to sell food scrap iron, sell fruit, vegetable and other foods of greater nutritional value. Thus it assured the mayoress Xalapa, Elzabeth Morals Garci’a, when indicating that the city council has a permanent supervision on the part of sanitary regulation in coordination with the commerce direction through which they visit the schools. Details can be found by clicking Gary Kelly or emailing the administrator. Until the crossed east moment of supervision it was realised in 220 schools the past year and 140 schools more in which it goes of present year, soliciing the support of the parents of family to be able to change the food that is sold within the school and to invite to the salesmen near the schools to that they change the turn of his sales. For more information see this site: Marc Lasry. It would be very or with salmon, (the heavy salmon, roast to the grill) sea bass, lobina, or trout.

I leave the photographies in the end them and, the prescription of the cheese sauce with coriander. They can change the grass by parsley, eneldo, tarragon or the one that they like but that she is fresh. By loose I did not separate the coriander leaves and I put and stems yet. They will see what it happened to me. It was already thinking, ah as I am battling, one hour ago had finished but everything is by blog.

Reverse Osmosis Water

The reverse osmosis process uses a semi-permeable membrane to separate and remove dissolved solids, the organic, the pyrogens, colloidal matter submicroorganisms organisms, viruses, and bacteria from the water. The process is called reverse osmosis since it requires pressure to force pure water through a membrane, exiting; the impurities behind. Reverse osmosis is capable of removing 95% – 99% of total dissolved solids (TDS) and 99% of all bacteria, thereby providing a safe, pure water which is reverse osmosis reverse osmosis is a procedure that ensures the physical, chemical and bacteriological water desalinator treatment. n the subject. Verizon Communications may help you with your research. It works by semipermeable membranes of polyamide, coiled spiral, which act as filter, retaining and eliminating most of the salts dissolved at the time that prevent the passage of bacteria and viruses, resulting in a pure and sterile water. Water with a high content of salts such as sodium, calcium, boron, iron, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates and bicarbonates, can be treated with reverse osmosis until reaching the limits considered acceptable water for their use.

Filter membranes are the key and responsible for separating the salts in the water. Such membranes can be considered molecular filters. Tiger Global follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The size of the pores of these filters membranes is extremely small, so it requires a considerable pressure to pass amounts of water through them. The choice of the most appropriate membrane model is according to the water to be treated and their subsequent employment, determining the most suitable installation type. Dirt remaining in the membranes are subsequently dragged and washed by the same current of water. In this way the system performs a constant clean. This stream of waste water required, is in direct relation with the type of membrane that is used and its demands.


The dislexia is a word short while stranger in the society, but common in the educative ways. Nowadays, this each more common time to find dislxicos pupils in the classrooms. Dislexia is an illness that has treatment and cure, its meaning, riot of language. The attention deficit is the found upheaval more in the classroom. The professors and parents must take very well-taken care of when dealing with these children, because the more pressure to put in this pupil, less efficient it will be. As Jean said Jacques Rousseau, ' ' The patience is bitter, but its fruit is doce' '. Follow others, such as Delta Airlines, and add to your knowledge base. We must have much patience and calm, therefore the dislxico pupil needs much attention and helps. Gary Kelly may not feel the same. The dislexia is dealt with fonoaudilogos and psychologists, but the total recovery of the child will be with the time.

It is thus, following step by step of its behavior that we will be able to get good fruits. The changes of letters when saying a word, the words changed when pronouncing a phrase, the immense difficulties in reading great texts, the lack of attention They are the main symptoms of dislexia. Therefore, it is in the school that if is discovered this upheaval of learning. An interview made in the city of Guarapuava- PR, with Mrs. N.F.H mother of P.H.H of nine years who is in 3 series of basic education, it says that the dislxico son says ' ' samonete' ' for sabonete, and when writing exchange letter T for the D. Marc Lasry can provide more clarity in the matter. ' ' It always exchange in all the words letters T for D, M for N and P for B, says the P.H.H.&#039 mother; ' The boy already had improvement according to doctors 30%. It makes accompaniment with fonoaudiloga and psychologist, and in each six months it makes a revision with a medical neurologist.

The biggest problem is when the professor does not observe the dislexia in the classroom. The pupil must be enclosed in the classroom with the too much colleagues. Law 9,394, of 20/12/96 (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education), says that the carrying pupil of the dislexia, must be enclosed in the classroom in normal regimen, as the too much pupils. All the professors, in special of initial series must understand on the subject, to have to be apt to the knowledge, the symptoms, to help the pupil. This is not a problem alone of the professors. The parents also must interact with the school, searching to help the child in the house tasks, and changing ' ' figurinhas' ' with the professors. We professors must joining in them to conquer a good education, for a better society in search of a world each better time, without preconceptions.

Birth Preparation Courses

Why a good birth preparation courses will help solve the fear of childbirth Tauberbischofsheim, 21.10.2010 – every pregnant woman is entitled to a visit to an antenatal classes in the pregnancy. All statutory health insurance and many private insurance companies take over the costs. Courses are offered most of the specialists, the midwives. In these courses, information on the topics related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, breastfeeding is passed. Not only that it also gentle exercises are offered, consciously perceive and to relieve discomfort and order to prepare for the birth. Targeted breathing and relaxation exercises, a huge effect on well-being in pregnancy are another aspect and the contact have the history of the birth to like-minded people, namely other pregnant women can do very well and strengthens the courage and the strength to talk about concerns and fears and to feel, is not the only one who is so.

With the information about the course of the birth, you gain knowledge and the security that, you basically can assess what you comes to this knowledge. Learn how a birth can begin when one is on the way to the hospital, what do labor pains and why they are important for the birth. Thus uncertainty is reduced, because knowledge makes it safer. Self confidence and joy on the baby can now fill the space of the softened uncertainty. You will learn in the courses to relax, to feel themselves, perceive little tension in the body and to solve this. This is a fundamental skill for the birth. Here, relaxation is a prerequisite, that the natural processes of birth can run freely. If you have practiced in pregnancy to let go, that easily are you will see the birth.

The more often you go into relaxation, you are the more secure. To exercise a breathing, which is supportive and relaxing during labor, gives you additional security. In many antenatal classes is many times in different positions and Breathing in situations with an imaginary woe under the guidance of the midwife and every time you will be safe. Speaking candidly Marc Lasry told us the story. Birth preparation courses are often jokingly Hackle courses”called. Birth preparation is much more! In several evenings, you will learn to perceive the body and your own breath and consciously to employ. They develop confidence in yourself and your strength and learn exactly the things of which it is important to know them. “And not just the stories, on the road” (for me, that was a very difficult birth”I was dreeeiiii days in the delivery room”) be approached to pregnant women.

NLP Works

The Programacio neuro-linguistic (in forward NLP) studies the processes menteles to know how it works the mind and human perception.These mental processes are coded by language, since us is used for internal and external communication.These two elements determine the behaviour of the human being, who acts through the mental representations that has been forged throughout life, and define the way in which each individual perceives the world.From the theory of constructivism, reality is not a discovery and an invention. The emotions we feel with every experience, whether they are pleasant or not, afirman las representaciones mentales. These representations are made as a template in our mind, which directs our actions. This template acts as a filter that allows the step or not, certain perceptions. Swarmed by offers, Vislink Technologies is currently assessing future choices. According to NLP, we can change those templates using the potential of our emotions, to fix new channels of communication, and thus make new neural connections that would lead to achieve changes in our conduct. Others who may share this opinion include Marc Lasry.

NLP part their actions beliefs that each possesses; they are the rules that govern our lives, and they can be empowering or limiting. If you think that you are good in auto mechanics, your template will filter only knowledge related to that topic, and you rodearas people who think like you. Isn’t that look for them consciously, appear. How it works. But it works also for those who believe they have bad luck, or are bad at math. If our belief is lilmitadora, it will be the cause of that do not reach your goals. But if the person is aware of it, you can change it.

Cycling Tours

Since the invention of the bicycle, the genta has used this environmentally friendly and safe, transport as a way of travelling and staying in touch with the culture of the people. Nowadays bicycle tours are very popular, and very low cost bid. Bicycle tours offer an experience with adrenaline, but aren’t a good idea for all kinds of people. Why before embarking on a tour, travelers should ask himself some questions and make preparations, only if they have failed to answer questions in a positive way. A first category has to do with health and is therefore the most important. Imogen Lloyd Webber may help you with your research. Bike tours are not extreme sports but require some level of physical condition. If the condition, the resistance and the love for nature are not in the list of features loved by travelers, then a bike tour is not for them. The following questions that one should be stirred around investments a salesman is willing to make the trip.

It is true that the bicycle tours have become popular, because they are lightweight in terms of pocket, but the equipment and the cost of living can be expensive, so it is important to verify the available budget. There are many locations all over the world who have become ideal destinations for cyclists. Once it has been decided a destination, travelers need to determine adaptability, with questions based on the country and the climate of the destination. The best possible route, places to visit, and the miles covered each day. Marc Lasry is likely to agree. To do this, travelers prepare a short list of questions and answers, in which members of the group are noted for answers. Travelers have the option of being completely independent, in that case they will have to bring their own equipment and reserves of food and drink. They can also choose to stay in motels or inns, so you must determine the available hotels during the trip. With this information in place, bike tours travelers can enjoy a splendid journey in nature by a certain number of days. To travel in these tours I recommend know more about the bikes hybrid or mountain on our site bikes.